2020-10-28T03:35:07 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-10-28T08:16:38 *** ldevulder_ is now known as ldevulder 2020-10-28T09:20:55 Hello team, one question. Do we explicitly allow REST access to progress.opensuse.org only to specific users? I'd like to create tasks for 15.3 but I'm getting authentication failure while trying to connect via rest 2020-10-28T09:21:08 Same user/password works via browser 2020-10-28T09:21:35 and tool works just fine with local redmine container (where my user has rest api access enabled) 2020-10-28T09:25:48 tuanpembual: ^^^^ - any idea? 2020-10-28T09:27:01 hi Lubos 2020-10-28T09:27:52 it is posible, but need enable. can you create a ticket. what you need, example code. etc. 2020-10-28T09:28:01 I will try look for it. 2020-10-28T09:28:57 tuanpembual, will do 2020-10-28T09:29:48 thanks. 2020-10-28T09:58:26 tuanpembual, email sent to admin@opensuse.org 2020-10-28T10:01:31 sure. 2020-10-28T10:01:33 cboltz: err, I guess I will need you to do initial setup on pagure01.i.o.o and discourse01.i.o.o 2020-10-28T10:04:41 ah, I missed that you mentioned adding ssh key for root 2020-10-28T10:04:42 nvm 2020-10-28T11:20:56 klein: your gpg key used for encrypting pillars expired :/ 2020-10-28T11:39:25 no, I have extended it 2020-10-28T11:40:57 gpg --list-keys | grep -A1 F6BC7 | grep -v F6BC7 2020-10-28T11:40:58 uid [ultimate] Ricardo Klein (SUSE) 2020-10-28T11:41:25 ops, I was trying to show expiration :facepalm: 2020-10-28T11:41:50 pub rsa4096 2019-09-17 [SC] [expires: 2021-09-08] 2020-10-28T11:43:19 lcp: maybe I haven't uploaded it to some specific key server? 2020-10-28T11:53:23 good question 2020-10-28T11:54:27 lcp: just curious will you use the rpm for discourse? 2020-10-28T11:54:52 well, I'm not deploying that yet, so idk 2020-10-28T11:55:44 (although I do have a build setup on build.o.o, so probably some rpm will end up being used) 2020-10-28T11:56:03 lcp: home:darix:apps/discourse 2020-10-28T11:56:10 lcp: examples for plugins are in the same projectr 2020-10-28T11:56:21 I've seen it, yeah 2020-10-28T11:56:31 lcp: being used on https://discuss.pixls.us and also on the chinese forum 2020-10-28T11:56:53 (run by Marguerite Su ) 2020-10-28T11:57:34 I'm trying to also make something cross distro since fedora guys were interested 2020-10-28T11:57:36 also kde guys 2020-10-28T11:59:12 well 2020-10-28T11:59:22 the ruby packaging differs a bit 2020-10-28T11:59:30 but it could probably be made work on fedora 2020-10-28T11:59:49 (i dont want to give up the automatic ruby selection via prjconf) 2020-10-28T12:00:31 i wanted to get that back into upstream gem2rpm but they preferred spec file per ruby version 2020-10-28T12:02:58 yeah, sure 2020-10-28T12:11:41 lcp: if you want a playground to test discourse admin stuff a bit I can give you access to my instance 2020-10-28T12:13:19 nah, I already played around with it 2020-10-28T12:13:25 and tested migration of the old forums 2020-10-28T12:13:39 ah ok 2020-10-28T12:13:44 there are some blockers though, mainly the email stuff between vb and discourse 2020-10-28T12:13:44 tuanpembual, let me know once I can try it again https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/75451 2020-10-28T12:14:56 email stuff? 2020-10-28T12:24:39 darix: discourse maps users on email, vb maps users on usernames, and assigns emails on first register and never again 2020-10-28T12:25:06 so we need to get emails for usernames from the accounts system, and only then are actually able to migrate 2020-10-28T12:25:46 aha 2020-10-28T12:26:20 i am sure if you can compile a list of usernames, that bmwiedemann1 can give you back username+email 2020-10-28T12:26:49 lcp: btw: when you install it also do zypper in discourse-apparmor :D 2020-10-28T12:31:21 sorry for the downtime of pgbouncer, apparently the cert setting was wrong :/ 2020-10-28T12:31:46 that's related to .de and .fr again tho >:D 2020-10-28T12:31:53 how so? 2020-10-28T12:32:12 * darix cleaned up that hooks.sh with bmwiedemann1 on friday 2020-10-28T12:32:53 well, I assume so, because the name of the cert changed from star_opensuse_org_rsa_letsencrypt_fullchain_key_dh.pem to star_opensuse_org_letsencrypt_fullchain_key_dh.pem.rsa 2020-10-28T12:32:58 and pg_bouncer.ini had to be updated 2020-10-28T12:33:12 and that only broke on restart of the service :P 2020-10-28T12:33:41 ah 2020-10-28T12:33:47 tbh 2020-10-28T12:33:55 for the internal stuff i would always use the ecdsa certs 2020-10-28T12:34:04 cheaper handshake and crypto 2020-10-28T12:34:26 rsa is basically just there for old browsers which do not support ecdsa yet 2020-10-28T12:34:27 yeah, you might be right, but I just swapped it to the same thing it was using before 2020-10-28T12:49:48 tuanpembual, is it possible that rest is simply disabled? I was looking for some user specific config, but it seems that there is a global switch 2020-10-28T12:50:29 https://progress.opensuse.org/settings?tab=api 2020-10-28T12:52:08 pagure01 (pagure01):~ # salt-call state.apply 2020-10-28T12:52:08 [ERROR ] The Salt Master has cached the public key for this node, this salt minion will wait for 10 seconds before attempting to re-authenticate 2020-10-28T12:52:08 Minion failed to authenticate with the master, has the minion key been accepted? 2020-10-28T12:52:14 ehh 2020-10-28T12:52:23 meanwhile when I tried to disable rest on my instance I'm getting different error ("resource is forbidden") compared to raise exceptions.AuthError 2020-10-28T12:52:23 redminelib.exceptions.AuthError: Invalid authentication details 2020-10-28T12:53:37 lcp: salt-key lists pagure01.infra.opensuse.orgpagure01.infra.opensuse.org as unaccepted key 2020-10-28T12:54:12 can you pleae fix the name in /etc/salt/minion_id and then restart the minion? 2020-10-28T12:54:52 you got it 2020-10-28T12:54:59 that's a thing >:D 2020-10-28T12:56:42 cboltz: still the same after restart 2020-10-28T13:03:32 yes, of course ;-) 2020-10-28T13:03:43 but this time it's a name I can (and just did) accept 2020-10-28T13:04:24 so it should work now 2020-10-28T13:16:02 tuanpembual, seems like I simply might not have access to some endpoints. Let me see if I can workaround it 2020-10-28T13:21:33 Hmm, interesting. 2020-10-28T13:21:34 tuanpembual, I did write an update 2020-10-28T13:21:48 * lcp sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/jVBATIGePrJNXlfpccfDrNAD/message.txt > 2020-10-28T13:21:50 tuanpembual, so I was able to do all the required actions, but not user/manipulations as I couldn't get api 2020-10-28T13:21:51 hmmmm 2020-10-28T13:22:17 tuanpembual, weird. Meanwhile 15.3 progress-o-o setup is done :-) 2020-10-28T13:22:30 tuanpembual, but we'll hit the same issue next time 2020-10-28T13:22:45 any suggestion? 2020-10-28T14:02:56 tuanpembual, I'd like to figure out why I can't access the users.filter 2020-10-28T14:03:26 tuanpembual, let me check my instance if there is some user specific permission (we have plenty of time to resolve it) 2020-10-28T14:04:22 tuanpembual, same issue as e.g. https://www.redmine.org/issues/24889 2020-10-28T14:05:06 tuanpembual, or this one https://github.com/maxtepkeev/python-redmine/issues/162 2020-10-28T14:09:51 tuanpembual, there we go "This endpoint requires admin privileges." https://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_Users 2020-10-28T14:10:09 tuanpembual, seems like the only way for me to be able to get userids etc via api is admin privs 2020-10-28T14:15:37 can you try again now? 2020-10-28T14:15:58 tuanpembual, let me try again 2020-10-28T14:22:30 tuanpembual, so far no crash let's wait 2 minutes 2020-10-28T14:23:03 tuanpembual, assignment works (you can see it here https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/opensuse-leap-15-3/issues/gantt ) 2020-10-28T14:23:08 tuanpembual, thank you sir! 2020-10-28T14:27:19 lets add more testing. 2020-10-28T14:27:37 i set your account as admin on progress 2020-10-28T19:09:30 lcp: there were some stale gitfs lockfiles on salt-master 2020-10-28T19:09:38 I just removed them, so highstate should work now 2020-10-28T19:32:55 ok, thanks 2020-10-28T19:44:25 cboltz: any ideas how to do sshd config management with salt? 2020-10-28T19:44:47 I need to set a few values and I'm wondering if there's a simple way 2020-10-28T19:45:21 we use openssh-formula, so you should be able to do it by setting the right pillar values 2020-10-28T19:46:47 https://gitlab.infra.opensuse.org/saltstack-formulas/openssh-formula/-/blob/master/pillar.example 2020-10-28T19:54:57 cboltz: hm, do I need to add anything to the role for it to work? 2020-10-28T19:56:52 the formula is included via profile/accounts/init.sls (which is part of role/base.sls 2020-10-28T19:56:59 so you really need to set the pillar values 2020-10-28T19:57:21 ok, that sounds easier than expected