2020-10-27T03:37:09 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-10-27T10:22:37 *** lkocman_ is now known as lkocman 2020-10-27T13:39:11 *** Martchus_ is now known as Martchus 2020-10-27T14:24:51 gitlab server and runners{1,2} upgraded to 13.5, but the problem with pull/push with SSH is still happening... can't understand why 2020-10-27T14:26:12 klein: what exact problems? 2020-10-27T14:26:25 check the gitlab-shell config if it has the correct socket 2020-10-27T14:30:38 checking 2020-10-27T14:34:32 we have the secret file instead of gitlab_url set on shell config.yml 2020-10-27T14:34:49 I think I will set this exactly as we have on suse.de gitlab server 2020-10-27T14:38:51 worked \o/ 2020-10-27T14:39:16 thanks darix 2020-10-27T14:42:29 klein: the default config should work as well 2020-10-27T14:43:56 the comments says that default gitlab_url = localhost:8080, in our case is localhost:3003 2020-10-27T14:48:18 the new default config should use the unix domain socket as default 2020-10-27T14:48:23 I thought I fixed that in all packages 2020-10-27T14:48:53 gitlab_url: "http+unix://%2Fsrv%2Fwww%2Fvhosts%2Fgitlab-ce%2Ftmp%2Fsockets%2Fgitlab.socket" 2020-10-27T15:13:00 well... we can test setting this and see if it works, but, not now, need to work on other tickets that are in my desk :-(