2020-09-18T02:32:49 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-09-18T07:00:31 *** ldevulder_ is now known as ldevulder 2020-09-18T08:16:05 Hello team I've added rsyncd-internal.conf sections for jump, what do I need to do to make sure that they're triggered? 2020-09-18T08:16:26 it's related to https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/69772 2020-09-18T08:16:57 basically I need to make sure that ftp-stage is updated properly for jump 2020-09-18T09:24:59 tuanpembual: in case no one answered: https://idp-portal-info.suse.com/ 2020-09-18T09:25:08 should contain all information 2020-09-18T09:25:55 thanks adrianS_ 2020-09-18T18:39:28 and me again ... now it is even more borked tumbleweed history... 2020-09-18T18:40:11 guess what happens when you try next code snipps :) 2020-09-18T18:41:04 LATEST_TW=$(curl https://download.opensuse.org/history/latest) 2020-09-18T18:41:06 curl https://download.opensuse.org/history/${LATEST_TW}/ 2020-09-18T18:41:13 who can guess without trying ? :) 2020-09-18T18:46:22 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-09-18T18:47:31 I have to admit that I tried... - nice redirect :-/ 2020-09-18T18:57:03 yeah :) 2020-09-18T19:21:32 the redirect comes form a .htaccess file. i don't know who set that up. 2020-09-18T19:22:10 its bascially meant to redirect from history to the regular tw repos 2020-09-18T19:22:26 it should be possible to find out who did it based on the .htaccess timestamp + login logs ;-) 2020-09-18T19:22:41 its automated - generated somewhere 2020-09-18T19:23:05 whoever provides us with that tw history 2020-09-18T19:25:56 I know Jimmy Berry invented it, but AFAIK he's no longer working for SUSE, and I have no idea who handles the sync to download.o.o 2020-09-18T19:26:13 cboltz: ditto. 2020-09-18T19:26:15 I'd guess Dimstar might have an idea 2020-09-18T19:29:36 hi boombatower 2020-09-18T19:29:45 you are joining at the perfect time ;-) 2020-09-18T19:29:50 o rly 2020-09-18T19:29:52 hi 2020-09-18T19:30:35 https://download.opensuse.org/history/ (= latest snapshot) redirects to download.o.o/ instead of download.o.o/tumbleweed/ 2020-09-18T19:30:50 fantastic timing 2020-09-18T19:30:54 do you know who or which script creates the .htaccess file with that redirect? 2020-09-18T19:31:34 well, that should be fine 2020-09-18T19:31:52 since the history was setup to allow for including non-tumbleweed if desired 2020-09-18T19:31:55 granted many ways to do that 2020-09-18T19:31:59 https://download.opensuse.org/history/20200916/tumbleweed/ 2020-09-18T19:32:05 example tumbleweed within history/N 2020-09-18T19:32:20 so for latest to work it has to redirect to root so any sub paths work 2020-09-18T19:32:38 https://download.opensuse.org/history/20200916/tumbleweed/repo/oss/README 2020-09-18T19:32:41 https://download.opensuse.org/history/20200917/tumbleweed/repo/oss/README 2020-09-18T19:32:48 correctly becomes http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/README 2020-09-18T19:33:12 and once it no longer redirects still works as well 2020-09-18T19:33:40 everything controlled by tumblweed-snapshot service on pontifex 2020-09-18T19:33:53 https://github.com/boombatower/tumbleweed-snapshot 2020-09-18T19:34:00 package in tools repo 2020-09-18T19:34:18 rather simple script 2020-09-18T19:34:20 https://github.com/boombatower/tumbleweed-snapshot/blob/master/tumbleweed-snapshot 2020-09-18T19:34:50 ah, that explains the behaviour - thanks for the explanation! 2020-09-18T19:35:21 BManojlovic: ^^^^ 2020-09-18T19:36:00 redirect should go away after 6 hours I believe 2020-09-18T19:36:05 to allow for syncing