2020-09-10T02:43:23 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-09-10T06:55:47 *** ldevulder_ is now known as ldevulder 2020-09-10T15:18:10 anyone here who knows about widehat? I am missing an rsyncd-push daemon 2020-09-10T15:20:28 found it 2020-09-10T15:28:32 cboltz: just about to run an rsync on repos from widehat - outdated 2020-09-10T15:28:51 s/run/start/ 2020-09-10T15:35:45 so provo-mirror is not the only outdated push mirror? nice. 2020-09-10T15:37:06 yeah. 2020-09-10T15:37:50 widehat is also 94% full .... 2020-09-10T15:38:29 provo-mirror has a regular job for pulling from stage.o.o, right? 2020-09-10T15:41:24 yes, it's a weekly cronjob 2020-09-10T15:41:24 but currently I'm still running the endless loop until it's in sync again 2020-09-10T15:41:25 (so far, it looks like OBS is too fast ;-) 2020-09-10T15:52:14 I can't find any cronjob or timer opn widehatr 2020-09-10T16:41:59 for the rsync --compress bug, I got the recommendation in the upstream bugreport to try a newer rsync on both sides 2020-09-10T16:42:30 for now, I upgraded rsync on provo-mirror to 3.2.3 from the network repo, and restarted my loop with --compress 2020-09-10T16:42:34 let's see what happens ;-) 2020-09-10T16:57:10 lcp: I got an interesting reminder from mailman3: 2020-09-10T16:57:17 The test@lists.opensuse.org list has 1 moderation requests waiting. 2020-09-10T16:57:27 From: changeme@example.com 2020-09-10T16:58:16 any idea which setting wants to be changed? ;-) 2020-09-10T17:10:18 I do have an idea 2020-09-10T17:11:03 did you get any other emails from mailman that didn't have that From header? 2020-09-10T17:13:40 yes, the initial test@lists.opensuse.org post from pauline.basaldua@signits.casa requires approval had From: test-owner@lists.o.o 2020-09-10T17:27:33 alright, yeah, owner I knew was a thing 2020-09-10T17:27:43 this has to be a setting in mailman somewhere 2020-09-10T17:34:11 cboltz: https://gitlab.infra.opensuse.org/infra/salt/-/merge_requests/443 that's a cool mr number 2020-09-10T17:35:14 that number looks buggy - shouldn't it be encrypted? ;-)