2020-08-11T02:41:25 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-08-11T09:28:36 I see some fishing attempt on press@opensuse.org 2020-08-11T09:28:41 are you peepz aware of this? 2020-08-11T09:29:55 https://paste.opensuse.org/view/raw/56871151 2020-08-11T09:30:53 happened a couple of times in the last week 2020-08-11T10:42:50 henne: nope, I was not aware. 2020-08-11T10:43:08 looks targeted to me 2020-08-11T10:43:08 henne: but it does not surprise 2020-08-11T10:43:19 sure 2020-08-11T10:45:21 dunno if it's targeted, looks like a standard thing. password expires, your acocunt is full, and all of those. if it really came from @opensuse, I'll have to check 2020-08-11T10:45:56 well of course it did not 2020-08-11T10:46:04 but maybe we should warn people :) 2020-08-11T10:46:07 Message-ID: 2020-08-11T10:46:13 tnx 2020-08-11T10:46:14 henne: seeing the mail header for such mails is more interesting 2020-08-11T10:46:28 you should be able to find MTA logs on lists5 with that 2020-08-11T10:47:00 mail headers are less interesting than MTA logs :) 2020-08-11T10:47:16 i find mail headers just as interesting 2020-08-11T10:48:07 not if the mail goes over a list. but I can also bounce you the mail if you want to... 2020-08-11T10:48:22 spamassassin only gave it 0.11pts .... 2020-08-11T15:27:21 https://www.heise.de/news/Forensoftware-vBulletin-Neue-Angriffstechnik-hebelt-alten-Security-Patch-aus-4867928.html?wt_mc=rss.red.security.security.atom.beitrag.beitrag 2020-08-11T16:53:55 darix, we are running an old version... 2020-08-11T16:54:40 i am sure that wont be affected then 2020-08-11T17:09:15 darix, we need to move to something new ;) 2020-08-11T17:10:45 I could suggest something but you might have heard about it already so I wont 2020-08-11T17:35:25 darix, we need to make it so ;) Really need people to maintain, fix etc.... I think some of the Forum Mods would be interested. 2020-08-11T19:26:33 malcolmlewis: we are always interested in people wanting to scratch that itch :-) 2020-08-11T19:27:29 cboltz: tomorrow ab 1200, will you be around? I think it's time to remove the fallback MXes. 2020-08-11T19:28:31 I can't promise the exact time, but in general - yes 2020-08-11T19:29:04 (and I hope that my office will have < 30 �C then ;-) 2020-08-11T19:31:42 cboltz: exact is not so important, just sometime in the afternoon. office temp - currently 27C. 2020-08-11T19:32:15 cboltz: we have a full power-down tomorrow morning, TUV electrical safety inspection, but they expect to be done by 12 2020-08-11T19:32:24 27 sounds cool ;-) 2020-08-11T19:33:04 cboltz: wioth the little portable aircondition we bought, yes, it's not too bad. The cats don't like it though 2020-08-11T19:35:02 your cats prefer to be cooked or roasted? ;-) 2020-08-11T19:36:47 they seem to prefer cooked .... outside. They really don't like the aircon - will sit outside the open door, miauwing. 2020-08-11T19:39:14 anyway, tnx for redtig email, could not find it anywhere. I notified her and Daniel about the MX switch. 2020-08-11T19:39:44 cboltz: setz dich doch einfach in den weinkeller da ist doch sicher kuehl :P 2020-08-11T19:40:08 ENOWLAN ;-) 2020-08-11T19:40:16 legst halt nen kabel hin 2020-08-11T19:40:27 ;-) 2020-08-11T19:40:29 das waere imho den aufwand wert! 2020-08-11T19:43:34 darix: denke ich auch, W&W und dann noch cool! 2020-08-11T20:18:25 pjessen: did we have any mail issues today? Richard quoted a mail from Pierre on opensuse-project, but I can only see Richard's mail (20:22), but not the mail from Pierre (probably 18:31, based on Richard's attribution line) in my inbox 2020-08-11T20:30:09 *** Martchus_ is now known as Martchus