2020-08-10T06:16:04 goodmorning 2020-08-10T06:19:14 apparently I don't have the access privileges to add a dns record in freeipa 2020-08-10T06:37:34 too early in the morning for everyone? 2020-08-10T07:06:20 too early in the morning for everyone? 2020-08-10T07:09:13 maybe 2020-08-10T07:09:26 I am being spammed by mlmmj here https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/69736 2020-08-10T07:15:27 lcp: yup, I saw it too. I think I've stopped it though. 2020-08-10T07:16:12 it stopped for a sec, and restarted itself 2020-08-10T07:16:20 now it stopped again I think 2020-08-10T07:17:38 yeah, looks okay now 2020-08-10T07:38:42 i need help with a dns update, I don't have the access. 2020-08-10T08:02:34 i need help with a dns update, I don't have the access. 2020-08-10T09:19:47 Where can I reset the password I use for connecting to the heroes VPN? 2020-08-10T09:26:18 enavarro_suse: freeipa.i.o.o - 2020-08-10T09:27:18 i need help with a dns update, I don't have the access. 2020-08-10T09:31:48 pjessen: freeipa.i.o.o is not answering for me now. I will try again later. Thanks! 2020-08-10T09:34:07 ah, you need to be on the vpn .... sorry, you probably need an admin to fix that for you. 2020-08-10T09:40:51 So please, any admin that is around that could contact me, help me with changing my password. 2020-08-10T09:48:37 cboltz: you have dns access ? 2020-08-10T09:48:54 yes 2020-08-10T09:49:06 I can't add the mx records 2020-08-10T09:49:22 IPA Error 2100: ACIError 2020-08-10T09:49:22 Insufficient access: Insufficient 'add' privilege to add the entry 'idnsname=opensuse.org.,cn=dns,dc=infra,dc=opensuse,dc=org'. 2020-08-10T09:50:46 yeah, the "permission denied" comes quite late in FreeIPA ;-) 2020-08-10T09:51:12 to make sure I get it right - the new MX servers are mx1.opensuse.org and mx2.opensuse.org, right? 2020-08-10T09:51:44 and we keep mx*.suse.de until we know that everything works as expected? 2020-08-10T09:52:44 correct - new: mx1.opensuse.org and mx2.opensuse.org 2020-08-10T09:53:01 and we keep mx*.suse.de with a higher weight (42). 2020-08-10T09:53:50 new weight for mx12.opensuse.org could be 0 or 41 :-) 2020-08-10T09:54:25 I'll make it 41 - and when we remove mx*.suse.de, I'll switch mx*.o.o to 42 because I like that number ;-) 2020-08-10T09:58:30 cboltz: alles klar 2020-08-10T10:01:05 cboltz: looking good. 2020-08-10T10:01:16 :-) 2020-08-10T12:58:42 pjessen, what default state of reopened ticket? 2020-08-10T12:58:53 going back to new? 2020-08-10T13:11:59 tuanpembual: hi, I would say status "new". 2020-08-10T13:22:00 lets hardcode first :D 2020-08-10T14:06:44 pjessen: it work now 2020-08-10T14:07:08 but many warning about deprecated function. 2020-08-10T14:07:29 and only working if ticket set closed. No work if ticket set rejected. 2020-08-10T16:00:26 tuanpembual: thanks for the update. interesting that it only works for closed, and not for rejected. 2020-08-10T16:01:08 does mx12 mean mails sent to $x@lists.opensuse.org work now or not yet? 2020-08-10T16:12:20 waiting cboltz to comment :) 2020-08-10T17:44:57 pjessen: could we set up alias for test@lists.opensuse.org on opensuse-test@opensuse.org? I set mailman up so it accepts emails with that From and CC