2020-08-09T02:45:56 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-08-09T11:07:40 pjessen: I tested importing into hyperkitty http://mailman3.infra.opensuse.org/archives/list/test@lists.opensuse.org/latest 2020-08-09T11:07:49 it works :P 2020-08-09T11:08:40 it is waiting for some scheduled cron jobs to run to properly index everything, but it shows all the messages already 2020-08-09T11:11:25 oh, those run, everything now looks alright 2020-08-09T11:45:29 I have to admit that it will take some time to get familiar with hyperkitty and the completely different way how of archives, after being used to our ML archives for > 15 years ;-) 2020-08-09T11:46:02 two nitpickings on (to pick an example) http://mailman3.infra.opensuse.org/archives/list/test@lists.opensuse.org/thread/Z7V75PE2H4KFUY4LZMEHRCL2V4I6GK2J/ 2020-08-09T11:46:31 "2 days inactive" / "2 days old" would be more readable with some space between them 2020-08-09T11:47:05 and mail addresses (per@...) seem to be included in plain text in the HTML source, which could make hyperkitty a spammer's paradise 2020-08-09T12:01:01 cboltz: the content is loaded with js, so not really >:D 2020-08-09T12:01:38 but yeah, I am surprised per's email showed up there 2020-08-09T12:02:00 sure? wget gives me a file that has per [strange unicode char] jessen.ch 2020-08-09T12:02:13 so at least it's not a plain @ 2020-08-09T12:05:39 welp, I guess not everything is js 2020-08-09T12:06:04 yeah, I will have to look into how to fix that, as you can tell though, at least one of per's emails is hidden 2020-08-09T12:06:44 so I assume it just didn't have `Per Jessen ` but just `per@opensuse.org` in the From 2020-08-09T12:10:45 just checked, your assumption is right 2020-08-09T12:12:31 so this "only" affects mails that were sent with the plain mail address (without a [real]name) in the From: 2020-08-09T12:34:36 I get "Internal Server Error" 2020-08-09T12:35:50 I just broke it, so you are just in time ;) 2020-08-09T12:36:07 :-D 2020-08-09T12:36:14 I was fixing search backend stuff, and did a wrong syntax 2020-08-09T13:09:27 it seems the search will only work when django decides it should 2020-08-09T13:12:12 or when I run a command to reindex it apparently 2020-08-09T13:12:22 I should look up how often that's done 2020-08-09T13:13:43 alright, search now works 2020-08-09T13:18:47 all things considered, this is easy to migrate 2020-08-09T13:19:21 I didn't import the emails, because that sends email to every subscriber, which I don't particularly want to do right now 2020-08-09T13:19:44 and that is gonna be annoying 2020-08-09T13:29:18 cboltz: can we get mailman3.i.o.o on lists-test.o.o? 2020-08-09T14:17:13 yes, of course - just wait for the public DNS to catch up ;-) 2020-08-09T14:24:50 Eum... the archive doesn't work on plain text web browsers, such as w3m, links, or lynx. I guess it is using scripting, and that will cause some flames. 2020-08-09T14:32:20 hmm, public DNS is still not updated :-( even when asking ns*.o.o directly (but I get the correct result when testing from anna) 2020-08-09T14:32:51 could this be a problem caused by resetting freeipa to an earlier snapshot? 2020-08-09T14:41:24 you can query the freeipa host for the serial 2020-08-09T15:01:40 looks like the public serial is indeed higher, I'll have to do a few dummy changes to increase it in freeipa 2020-08-09T15:04:15 fixed :-) 2020-08-09T16:09:05 alright, you can now log into hyperkitty using openSUSE account 2020-08-09T16:12:52 at least in theory >:T 2020-08-09T16:33:46 cboltz: would you give me admin perms over the repo I migrated https://github.com/openSUSE/allauth_openSUSE/ 2020-08-09T16:34:34 done ;-) 2020-08-09T17:38:03 lcp: I'm just logging in to lists-test.o.o, and the ipsilon confirmation page looks a bit funny - it shows E-Mail Address: b'suse-beta@...' and Full Name: b'Christian Boltz' 2020-08-09T17:38:24 and the next ipsilon page says 400 bad requst Invalid transaction id 2020-08-09T17:39:43 second attempt looks better on the ipsilon side, but I end up with a 404 for https://lists.opensuse.org/accounts/openid/callback/?janrain_nonce=..... 2020-08-09T17:40:12 well, that should (for now) probably be lists-test.o.o ;-) 2020-08-09T17:43:24 it should, but I can't change it, so it's not gonna be >:D 2020-08-09T17:43:55 would a redirect on lists.o.o to lists-test.o.o help? 2020-08-09T17:44:59 I'm not sure 2020-08-09T17:48:26 should I try? 2020-08-09T17:48:47 yeah 2020-08-09T17:49:05 what could go wrong 2020-08-09T17:51:12 for the mailing list admins, they will probably have to create themselves accounts in cli, to be able to login into admin console 2020-08-09T17:51:39 https://lists-test.opensuse.org/admin/login/ that is 2020-08-09T17:52:48 the redirect at least gives me a better error message ;-) - it translates to "error when logging in to social network" 2020-08-09T17:53:51 yeah, I suspect it would only work if it was on lists-o-o 2020-08-09T17:53:56 but since that's not too helpful, I'll drop that redirect again 2020-08-09T17:53:58 although I might be wrong 2020-08-09T17:54:22 sadly crtf also fails with native logins, so no login actually works currently 2020-08-09T18:03:50 another attempt - mapping lists.o.o/accounts/openid/ to mailman3 via haproxy 2020-08-09T18:04:05 unfortunately that gives me a "forbidden" page 2020-08-09T18:05:19 (+ some issues with loading JS from the wrong domain) 2020-08-09T18:11:04 cboltz: it is trying to load /static/ from lists.o.o, which ain't gonna work 2020-08-09T18:11:40 https://github.com/openSUSE/static.opensuse.org/pull/15 2020-08-09T18:14:21 is deleting some of the chat/icons/*.png (and also a svg) intentional? 2020-08-09T18:24:06 it actually doesn't delete them 2020-08-09T18:24:12 but github ui displays it weird 2020-08-09T18:24:34 that one svg is intentional tho 2020-08-09T18:24:55 that was the file where I designed all of the icons, I should have removed it with the first commit 2020-08-09T19:06:05 ok, merged 2020-08-09T19:06:47 Oh, and I was able to login to mailman3, but it's a bit tricky ;-) 2020-08-09T19:07:07 start at https://lists.opensuse.org/accounts/login/?next=/archives/ (which is forwarded to mailman3.i.o.o via haproxy) 2020-08-09T19:08:11 as a sidenote - the confirmation mail is slightly wrong. It says (originally in german, therefore translated) 2020-08-09T19:08:25 you receive this mail because the user christian ... 2020-08-09T19:08:33 that should be "cboltz" instead of "christian" 2020-08-09T19:19:28 ... and after adding some more lines to the haproxy config, you should now be able to fully access mailman3 (including login) via https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/ :-) 2020-08-09T19:34:41 yup, it works 2020-08-09T19:35:38 can you please hide / hardcode one of the config options? 2020-08-09T19:36:05 which one is that 2020-08-09T19:36:13 receiving mails as "digest" should never be possible IMHO because it makes answering hard 2020-08-09T19:36:26 (both for the person trying to answer, and (worse) for everybody on the ML 2020-08-09T19:36:54 huh, I wonder how that works 2020-08-09T19:37:37 assuming it works like in mailman2 - you'll get a mail titled "mails on $list today", with a big, more or less unreadable mail body 2020-08-09T19:38:11 disabled digests, see if you can get them still 2020-08-09T19:39:37 digests are still available as config option 2020-08-09T19:41:12 hmmm 2020-08-09T19:46:01 yeah, I don't know where that is 2020-08-09T19:50:28 I might have to report that 2020-08-09T19:51:20 in mailman2 allowing digests is (maybe: also) a per-list option, so maybe have a look at the settings of the test list 2020-08-09T19:52:53 I disabled it there 2020-08-09T19:53:06 so it shouldn't be possible to have digest of it 2020-08-09T19:53:21 I should just give you admin >:D 2020-08-09T19:53:34 interestingly the digest is still available in the "List-based preferences"... 2020-08-09T19:53:57 do whatever you want *g* 2020-08-09T19:54:45 give me your email assigned to your account 2020-08-09T19:55:21 suse-beta AT cboltz.de (but I use opensuse AT cboltz.de for most MLs) 2020-08-09T19:56:02 you can add that email account in /user-profile/ 2020-08-09T19:56:12 already did that ;-) 2020-08-09T19:56:12 email address I mean 2020-08-09T19:56:17 ah 2020-08-09T19:56:52 I gave you admin on test@l.o.o 2020-08-09T20:00:07 the digest settings look correct (disabled) - no idea why I still have this option in the user settings 2020-08-09T20:00:18 yeah, it's weird 2020-08-09T20:09:12 cboltz: huh, sending mail to anything@lists.opensuse.org doesn't work >:T 2020-08-09T20:09:20 I guess that needs to be set up 2020-08-09T20:10:01 yeah, basically it needs a) MX DNS entries and b) our new mx*.o.o to accept those mails 2020-08-09T20:10:20 but let's first switch over to mx*.o.o before doing this 2020-08-09T20:10:26 alright, so I will wait for the new mx to be working 2020-08-09T20:10:27 yeah 2020-08-09T20:10:48 you can also point the MX for the mailman also directly to that machine 2020-08-09T20:11:10 I will talk with obs and uyuni guys if they want to use their domains for their mailing lists actually 2020-08-09T20:11:29 because it would be cool to migrate that at once as well 2020-08-09T20:11:42 tbh nobody wants to change mailinglist names 2020-08-09T20:11:53 it is more hassle than it is worth 2020-08-09T20:13:01 well, I didn't see that nobody on the project mailing lists then 2020-08-09T20:44:02 cboltz: could you also proxy /admin/? 2020-08-09T20:44:19 can't log into admin dashboard now :c 2020-08-09T20:44:33 now you can ;-) 2020-08-09T20:45:00 yup, now I can 2020-08-09T20:46:30 cboltz: ah, it said christian because you set your username in hyperkitty to christian 2020-08-09T20:46:49 you can change it in user settings so it knows your username is cboltz ;) 2020-08-09T20:47:03 well, I didn't actively set that username 2020-08-09T20:47:18 maybe autocomplete then? 2020-08-09T20:47:27 because it asks you when you first log in 2020-08-09T20:47:32 I guess it grabbed it from the wrong field in the ipsilon results - firstname instead of username 2020-08-09T20:47:48 (and no, IIRC it didn't ask) 2020-08-09T20:48:05 hm, bizarre 2020-08-09T20:49:33 (as a sidenote, the "First name" and "Last name" fields contain the correct values, even with the first letter in uppercase as I'd expect) 2020-08-09T20:50:06 yeah 2020-08-09T20:52:17 I think I found a possible reason - https://id.opensuse.org/portal mentions "Trust Root", "E-mail Address" and "Full Name" - but not "Nickname" 2020-08-09T20:52:24 (and I guess Nickname == username) 2020-08-09T20:52:53 yeah, that's why I thought it asked 2020-08-09T20:53:20 it only knows "openid", which in our case is www.opensuse.org/openid/user/$username 2020-08-09T20:57:50 right - and ideally it should ask the openid provider for the nickname/username instead of guessing it (obviously based on the firstname, no idea how it will handle conflicts) 2020-08-09T20:58:06 that's probably something you should ask upstream ;-) 2020-08-09T21:00:27 it will ask about conflicts 2020-08-09T21:00:35 the appstream here actually would be allauth 2020-08-09T21:05:04 ok, but using the "nickname" provided by openid is also something you should ask/propose upstream 2020-08-09T21:25:15 lcp: now I see "cboltz" - did you play with my user profile? ;-) 2020-08-09T21:30:28 I did 2020-08-09T21:30:42 :-) 2020-08-09T21:30:50 right after you gave me admin dashboard >:D 2020-08-09T21:31:47 and I thought _I_ was evil ;-))