2020-08-07T02:48:58 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-08-07T06:40:01 goodmorning 2020-08-07T06:41:00 we seem to have a problem with freeipa - no vpn, no progress, no bugzilla etc 2020-08-07T06:41:26 see stasiek ticket 69673 2020-08-07T07:10:54 pjessen: hm, bugzilla and progress should work, the account system managing those shouldn't be related 2020-08-07T07:11:08 but yeah, freeipa is very dead atm 2020-08-07T07:12:08 lcp: i cant login to porogress 2020-08-07T07:12:22 lcp: didnt' try logging in to bugzilla 2020-08-07T07:13:06 I just tried and progress login works 2020-08-07T07:13:32 lcp: wait - I thought progress.o.o and the vpn passwd were the same? 2020-08-07T07:14:02 okay, I guess they're not, I can also login to progress now. 2020-08-07T07:14:29 yeah, there are very few services using freeipa login 2020-08-07T07:14:51 lcp: got it 2020-08-07T07:15:00 that means we are locked out of very few things as it's down, but this might be problematic when freeipa backs the auth system as a whole 2020-08-07T07:15:18 eh, it's a shame I got locked out of vpn :/ 2020-08-07T07:15:34 yup. you gotta be more careful when you're fiddling with it in the middle of the night :-) 2020-08-07T07:16:23 well, better the middle of the night than the middle of the weekend 2020-08-07T07:17:21 but I took all of the precautions I could, I couldn't do much about the vpn thing exactly 2020-08-07T07:18:15 lcp: yeah, shit happens. lesson learned. 2020-08-07T07:19:51 I'm not sure what the lesson is tbh, be faster before vpn inevitably just logs you out because the service you were working on was required for vpn to stay connected? 2020-08-07T07:20:04 sounds about right 2020-08-07T07:32:33 lcp: i wud say it's about being careful and knowing the risks. better doing it on a monday morning and have someone in nuernberg ready 2020-08-07T07:34:14 + 2020-08-07T07:34:40 oops. wrong window. 2020-08-07T08:01:39 heh, eisbaerli ? 2020-08-07T08:57:25 I am on freeipa now and start debugging 2020-08-07T09:06:21 lcp why do we need a new f26 machine to restore the backup? 2020-08-07T09:08:52 Or would it just possible to downgrade freeipa again? 2020-08-07T09:29:09 lcp when did you start the migration exactly? 2020-08-07T09:35:57 We are restoring and old netapp snapshot right now 2020-08-07T09:52:58 freeipa back again 2020-08-07T09:53:26 vpn working 2020-08-07T10:13:18 lethliel: cool! 2020-08-07T10:40:15 kl_eisbaer was involved too ;-) 2020-08-07T12:17:42 lcp: I attached the old lun to freeipa and mounted it to /mnt/freeipa_broken 2020-08-07T12:48:11 lcp, I'm a bit lost with nicknames for the new project on progress. could you please help me? I'm missing someone from the list we discussed yesterday but I can't find all the nicknames :( 2020-08-07T13:10:01 deneb_alpha: who are you missing? 2020-08-07T13:10:13 I counted 10 participants 2020-08-07T13:14:10 pjessen, ngompa for example 2020-08-07T13:16:44 pjessen, we are 8 users in the new project 2020-08-07T13:17:48 pjessen, btw we are all managers. feel free to add missing admins if you can spot something 2020-08-07T13:18:29 King_InuYasha, I can't find your nickname for progress :( 2020-08-07T13:18:35 Pharaoh_Atem 2020-08-07T13:18:43 ok... 2020-08-07T13:18:45 thanks 2020-08-07T13:22:06 ah, the guy from indonesia I think - esti ? 2020-08-07T13:22:28 et 2020-08-07T13:22:28 pjessen, I added him. I was mistyping his nickname 2020-08-07T13:22:43 should be fine now. we are 10 in the group. 2020-08-07T13:22:56 deneb_alpha: yep, I see him now. yup, 10. 2020-08-07T13:23:06 I also migrated the tasks to the new project. 2020-08-07T13:23:25 yep, i see that too. cool 2020-08-07T13:24:02 pjessen, I was looking also at the queue in admin project. not sure if could make sense to migrate to the new project also the notification of forum spam. what's your take? 2020-08-07T13:27:03 deneb_alpha: good question. 1st thought - no. There are too many, and they keep coming. 2020-08-07T13:27:34 also, they are not really gdpr requests, just internal tidy up 2020-08-07T13:28:57 pjessen, yep. similar idea. I remember that for banning etc we should keep a kind of record but better to ask to Ciaran 2020-08-07T13:29:11 it's what was confusing me 2020-08-07T14:07:08 Just to mention that on the connect platform (which should be removed when we can do it) we are constantly banning people. No records, no messages. Just do it. 2020-08-07T14:08:39 ban all the people 2020-08-07T14:09:07 darix: :-) 2020-08-07T14:17:49 btw: just to throw in a crazy idea 2020-08-07T14:18:00 one could drop mailinglists in favor of mailinglist mode in discourse 2020-08-07T14:18:14 at least for the user focused mailinglists 2020-08-07T14:18:41 advantages: a) free archive. b) people can easily resume old threads from the archive 2020-08-07T14:19:00 and you have just one place for discussions 2020-08-07T14:19:13 people who want emails can set that up in discourse and reply via emails 2020-08-07T14:19:14 (: 2020-08-07T14:19:16 so 2020-08-07T14:19:28 now it is time to prepare lunch 2020-08-07T14:36:33 lethliel: whoops, sorry, I was out the whole day, so I couldn't be of any help 2020-08-07T14:37:08 lcp: I dont think you could have done anything anyway without getting the volume attached :) 2020-08-07T14:37:26 well, good to know tbh 2020-08-07T14:43:24 lcp The troubleshooting guide you provided did not help in this case as the first command failed already- 2020-08-07T14:43:43 So we decided to roll back to get VPN working again 2020-08-07T14:43:53 * darix stares lethliel 2020-08-07T14:44:22 what? 2020-08-07T14:44:53 * lethliel stares back 2020-08-07T14:46:16 I did have issues with CA overall, and I don't really understand why 2020-08-07T14:46:49 migrating CA doesn't work, upgrading CA doesn't work 2020-08-07T14:47:13 CA might need to stay on fedora 25 forever >:D 2020-08-07T14:47:26 or 26, it's the same freeipa version 2020-08-07T14:47:44 we can also migrate the internal CA to cfssl or step-ca 2020-08-07T14:47:55 i can show you and the team those tools if you are interested 2020-08-07T14:48:32 yeah, I'm not against looking around, but having that under a single umbrella makes it easier 2020-08-07T14:48:47 but I would love to hear about it at some point when I'm not doing other stuff ;) 2020-08-07T14:48:48 step-ca would give you ACME protocol support 2020-08-07T14:49:04 which means you could automate the cert roll out :) 2020-08-07T14:49:17 But you could test on freeipa2? 2020-08-07T14:49:34 and there is home:darix:apps/step-ca 2020-08-07T14:49:43 and a container for it too :) 2020-08-07T14:49:54 yeah, the issue is that freeipa migrates fine to freeipa2 just fine, as long as you don't migrate ca lethliel 2020-08-07T14:50:17 too many fines >:D 2020-08-07T14:50:31 * darix fines lcp €5 for using weird words 2020-08-07T14:50:47 Ah ok. So the ca is the problem here. Sorry for the questions. I am totally not into freeipa and CAs 2020-08-07T14:57:57 lethliel: I have to think what to do about it, I might just redo ca server from scratch and have all of the vms re-request the certs, which isn't that many vms for that matter 2020-08-07T14:58:23 lcp: are you actually using the freeipa way of distributing certs? 2020-08-07T14:58:31 or are they rolled out manually? 2020-08-07T14:59:37 I don't manage any vm that requires a cert, so that would be a question to gitlab admins for example 2020-08-07T15:00:10 there it was manually 2020-08-07T15:00:12 if i recall correctly 2020-08-07T15:00:24 we might not be using it yet, because nothing pki related is packaged in openSUSE, which I have been slowly doing for the sake of freeipa on openSUSE 2020-08-07T15:00:41 what do you mean with pki related? 2020-08-07T15:00:52 tomcat related 2020-08-07T15:00:56 ah 2020-08-07T15:01:43 that's why I started looking into cfssl and later smallstep ... i did not want to have to maintain a whole java stack for my VM :) 2020-08-07T15:01:52 both are in golang^^ 2020-08-07T15:02:00 s/VM/CA/ 2020-08-07T15:09:34 well, I would say if we do freeipa, it doesn't really make any sense to not maintain the whole java stack (and since there is a lot of interest in freeipa on openSUSE distros in general from outsiders) 2020-08-07T15:10:16 I know Lubos said he was hopeful this can be a thing for Leap 16, so I'm working towards it