2020-07-13T01:20:11 pjessen, https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/68887 can you make public? 2020-07-13T02:13:59 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-07-13T09:24:41 "list of machines" in our wiki is virtually unreadable 2020-07-13T09:27:15 it's too wide for the browser window, especially if you have a sidebar open 2020-07-13T10:58:21 hmm, that's interesting[tm] 2020-07-13T10:58:34 there's a chronyc process on anna eating 100% CPU 2020-07-13T11:01:56 also, chronyd is dead since 2020-07-02, trying to restart it results in Failed to lock /var/run/chrony-helper 2020-07-13T11:31:09 for mx[12], what would be the best way to access member aliases - directly (ldap or mysql?) or via a regular export? 2020-07-13T11:32:09 you can download the list from connect via http (with an api key or something like that) 2020-07-13T11:32:18 give me a minute to look up what exactly you need 2020-07-13T11:34:46 cboltz: cool 2020-07-13T11:39:47 see PM 2020-07-13T11:40:22 let me warn you that connect.o.o sometimes delivers error pages with code 200 (!) 2020-07-13T11:40:50 and yes, this has caused serious issues with member aliases in the past, so make sure to validate the list before actually using it 2020-07-13T11:41:40 AFAIK a script for that already exists on mx*.suse.de 2020-07-13T11:42:27 kl_eisbaer: can you please grab this script from the SUSE mail server and send it to pjessen? 2020-07-13T11:45:26 cboltz: no prob, I'll check with daniel 2020-07-13T12:05:09 for the records: chronyd on anna works again (problem was caused by a stale lockfile of chrony/helper) 2020-07-13T12:06:30 and I just killed the CPU-eating chronyc after manually testing another instance which a) reported some data that is probably relevant for monitoring and b) returned instantly 2020-07-13T12:16:32 can someone please test if the large delay when loading *.o.o pages is gone? 2020-07-13T12:24:38 cboltz: yup, looks like it's been fixed. yep, definitely. 2020-07-13T12:30:43 the "trick" was systemctl start pdns-recursor.service on elsa so that both of our internal nameservers are running now 2020-07-13T12:31:04 I also systemctl enable'd it 2020-07-13T12:32:50 cboltz, pjessen also confirmed fixed with the Forum :) 2020-07-13T12:32:59 :-) 2020-07-13T12:34:57 so, next question - letsencrypt certs - I need them for mx12, are they somehow automagically distributed ? 2020-07-13T12:35:32 DimStar: how is https://osc-collab.opensuse.org/'s frontpage generated, from what I have seen in git, there is only the old bento template 2020-07-13T12:36:31 pjessen: they are generated on crtmgr.i.o.o (SUSE-only) which also distributes them to some servers 2020-07-13T12:36:53 so either ask one of the SUSE admins to also distribute them to the mx servers (probably the best solution) 2020-07-13T12:37:04 cboltz: okay, sounds like a good idea. 2020-07-13T12:37:11 or "steal" them from one of the servers that receives them, for example anna/elsa ;-) 2020-07-13T12:37:24 cboltz: yeah, sofar I stole them from pontifex :-) 2020-07-13T12:37:44 ;-) 2020-07-13T12:38:03 cboltz: how should we build download-o-o assets? get them on jekyll.i.o.o and then copied over? built in a package in OBS? 2020-07-13T12:39:29 good question, both ways sound doable 2020-07-13T12:39:48 :q 2020-07-13T12:40:38 IIRC currently they are packaged? If so, I'd tend to keep it that way if it doesn't cause too much work 2020-07-13T12:40:56 and now, I finally have to leave - see you later;-) 2020-07-13T12:41:16 cya 2020-07-13T12:42:42 lcp76: let me have a quick look... 2020-07-13T12:44:20 referring to this template obviously https://github.com/openSUSE/osc-plugin-collab/blob/master/server/web/libdissector/libhttp.py#L74-L90 2020-07-13T12:44:48 lcp76: that site seems to be just files copied onto the srv/vhosts/osc-collab.opensuse.org directory; not owned by any package 2020-07-13T12:45:12 IIRC, lrupp created that after the last migration of the server 2020-07-13T12:46:28 alright, well, I'm probably not willing to update this to python3, so I will just make a better looking html page 2020-07-13T13:21:10 pjessen, ping 2020-07-13T16:16:47 pjessen: mx1 (mx1.o.o):~/bin # export_virtual.sh 2020-07-13T16:18:00 lcp38: better looking pages are always welcome ;-) 2020-07-13T16:18:37 Hehe: and we are supporting TLSv1.3 now :-) 2020-07-13T16:18:44 kl_eisbaer: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:hellcp/download-o-o is almost ready 2020-07-13T16:19:17 :thumbsup: I would say ;-) 2020-07-13T16:20:14 kl_eisbaer: thanks 2020-07-13T16:20:25 pjessen: JFYI: I hope to get the reverse-DNS entries (IPv4 and IPv6) for the mx machines done latest by the end of the week. 2020-07-13T16:20:57 ...I hope you already noticed that they already have external IPs ;-) 2020-07-13T16:21:17 hmm, I was about to ask - no, I had not noticed :-) 2020-07-13T16:21:34 ...so please keep the firewall closed - unless you want to have "some fun" ... 2020-07-13T16:21:52 uh nice, thanks for sorting that out. Yeah, I'll get the firewall up and running 2020-07-13T16:22:37 and just in case: mx2 is currently configured to run with rspamd. If you want, you can just override the settings there. 2020-07-13T16:23:24 yeah, already done - 2020-07-13T16:23:45 :D 2020-07-13T16:25:14 ok - out for early dinner with the family. CU! 2020-07-13T16:25:30 en gute! 2020-07-13T19:10:07 malcolmlewis, pjessen - I hunted the forums user creation through our login plugin (stored in the database) to ./includes/class_dm_user.php 2020-07-13T19:10:54 the code starting at line 665 in that file explains the problem - there's a check to prevent usage of a mail address that is already used by another user 2020-07-13T19:12:01 so if someone switches to another username, but uses the same mail address, (auto)creation of the new user will fail 2020-07-13T19:13:15 the likely workaround is to change the mail address of the old username to $something@example.com 2020-07-13T19:13:28 I have no idea if this is possible in the forum admin backend (please check!), or if it needs a manual SQL query 2020-07-13T20:58:52 cboltz, hey, that's what I have been doing on a couple to fix, manual change.... 2020-07-13T21:00:48 you'll probably need to do it for some more users who opened tickets in the last days ;-) 2020-07-13T21:36:40 cboltz, trouble is it doesn't always work.... (See the forum-admin ML) once they use the same email it seems to get screwed up and even changing doesn't work. 2020-07-13T21:37:39 I'm not on the forum-admin ML ;-) 2020-07-13T21:37:58 cboltz, what we need is a block on the email or go and change them all for users who missed the deadline? 2020-07-13T21:38:29 cboltz, ahh ok, think I need to get the user to create another account with throw away email 2020-07-13T21:39:12 might be an option, but that account would need to stay with such a mail address forever, and can't be changed to the old mail address (at least that's my guess) 2020-07-13T21:39:29 cboltz, so can we run a report and compare email addresses in the forum db? 2020-07-13T21:39:49 cboltz, that's fine, we can merge the old account with the new 2020-07-13T21:39:49 so changing the mail address of the old account (in worst case with a manual sql query) sounds like the more sane option to me 2020-07-13T21:40:24 cboltz, yes, then they can contact forum admins and we can merge if appropriate 2020-07-13T21:40:46 can you also change the mail address of an existing account? 2020-07-13T21:41:08 cboltz, yes as long as we do it before they try to login 2020-07-13T21:41:27 cboltz, with the new user 2020-07-13T21:42:02 I'd _guess_ that the new user doesn't get created in the forum database if the mail address is already used, but I'll have to verify that 2020-07-13T21:42:45 cboltz, yes that's the exact problem, and when I munge the email (manually) it still doesn't work 2020-07-13T21:43:05 cboltz, they can log in everywhere but the forum.... 2020-07-13T21:47:51 ok, let's try something ;-) 2020-07-13T21:47:52 cboltz, so you could run a compare on emails in the new login system, with users emails in vB, if exist, leave alone, if don't change to null@null.com 2020-07-13T21:48:16 I'll PM you a username from someone who complained loudly in the last days 2020-07-13T21:48:24 ok 2020-07-13T21:48:57 please set the mail address to something different, for example "user@invalid.opensuse.org"