2020-07-03T02:54:09 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-07-03T07:07:34 hmm, looks like mirrorbrain scan didn't notice free.fr aka http://opensuse.mirrors.proxad.net/ being up to date.. 2020-07-03T07:07:47 http://opensuse.mirrors.proxad.net/opensuse/distribution/leap/15.2/iso/?F=1 is right now, though 2020-07-03T07:29:29 fcrozat, I'll email mirror@ again 2020-07-03T07:29:38 should have all mirror admins on it 2020-07-03T07:30:31 Hello team, I need to ask for an advice, if following is a preferred way to handle the issue. Seems like we'd like to point Leap (15.1, 15.2 ...) ports sources to the sources of the main repository. 2020-07-03T07:30:48 https://github.com/yast/skelcd-control-openSUSE/pull/187 suggested to do redirect on apache 2020-07-03T07:31:23 The way how I'd usually handle it in "another distribution" is to disable publish for given repo, and make it a symlink. Would apache redirect be more of openSUSE way to do this? 2020-07-03T07:31:53 pjessen, bmwiedemann ^ what do you guys think? 2020-07-03T07:34:11 fcrozat, ah so it's a mirrorbrain issue not mirror issue. Let me just create ticket for admin so we have a tracker for it. I'll also add it to retro 2020-07-03T07:43:22 no response oky I take it as redirect is fine then 2020-07-03T11:12:15 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-07-03T11:50:25 hi, who's responsible for metrics.o.o? 2020-07-03T11:50:45 could I get sudoers permissions there, please? 2020-07-03T11:52:11 I'm not responsible for it, but I can give you permissions ;-) 2020-07-03T11:53:24 appreciate a lot :) 2020-07-03T11:53:44 witek: why do you need them? 2020-07-03T11:54:13 I want to extend the statistics available in the Grafana dashboard 2020-07-03T11:54:46 want to figure out how https://github.com/jberry-suse/openSUSE-release-tools/tree/master/metrics/access is set up 2020-07-03T11:56:20 witek: looks like we don't have a salt role for metrics yet, so as a quick (and hopefully temporary) solution, ssh root@metrics.i.o.o 2020-07-03T11:56:52 I won't complain if you create a salt role so that we can handle sudo permissions via a "metrics-admins" group ;-) 2020-07-03T11:57:48 or just dont do any sudo and do everything via salt :P 2020-07-03T11:58:22 cboltz: could you give me reference, where similar is done? 2020-07-03T11:59:39 for example pillar/role/web_download.sls and salt/role/web_download.sls 2020-07-03T12:00:03 the new role also needs to be added to the pillar/id/ file 2020-07-03T14:07:41 One very stupid question 2020-07-03T14:07:59 are we discriminating people with first name "Dick" on the opensuse-factory and other mailing lists in general? 2020-07-03T14:08:27 I did sent a post to factory to respond to Dick Waite ... starting by "Hello Dick" and the message was rejected 2020-07-03T14:08:49 since there was no message from the server ... I suppose that's the only possible reason 2020-07-03T14:09:05 can we please not censor common US first names? 2020-07-03T14:26:25 Meanwhile I'll skip his name from the email 2020-07-03T14:29:16 this question isn't stupid ;-) 2020-07-03T14:29:55 and I wouldn't be surprised if we indeed have a rule blocking mails with "Dick" because that word is, well, not only used as a first name ;-) 2020-07-03T14:30:09 lkocman: can you imagine why it was blocked maybe? 2020-07-03T14:30:15 pjessen: can you please check if we indeed have such a rule? 2020-07-03T14:36:38 well yeah, but then it's a valid name 2020-07-03T14:36:54 and I feel like he wouldn't be happy if his emails would be rejected because of e.g. signature 2020-07-03T14:38:15 We could also Wilhelm or Willie? I hope you see my point 2020-07-03T14:38:46 *We could also block 2020-07-03T14:39:28 I fully agree - if we indeed have such a rule, let's drop it (and take the risk of mails using the word not as a first name ;-) 2020-07-03T14:39:46 yup 2020-07-03T14:40:00 let me check email header meanwhile perhaps there is X-something-reason 2020-07-03T15:14:42 *** lurchi_ is now known as lurchi__ 2020-07-03T15:15:38 *** lurchi__ is now known as lurchi_ 2020-07-03T15:33:21 cboltz: yes, in general people called Dick are not welcome :-) 2020-07-03T15:39:34 Can you please drop that rule? ;-) 2020-07-03T15:41:53 (or maybe only deny lowercase "dick"?) 2020-07-03T16:03:38 cboltz: mind taking a look https://gitlab.infra.opensuse.org/infra/salt/-/merge_requests/416 2020-07-03T16:04:08 the new design is in the default branch, but it doesn't currently work, since gh-pages can't handle some stuff added there 2020-07-03T16:04:36 (I could fix it, but it seems easier just to add it to our jekyll pipeline) 2020-07-03T16:09:47 thanks! 2020-07-03T16:10:16 I guess that still leaves proxy and dns 2020-07-03T16:10:54 right, just tell me when you have deployed the salt changes on jekyll.i.o.o 2020-07-03T16:11:08 I'll do the DNS change then 2020-07-03T16:11:44 the haproxy config will be ready in a minute, so if you adjust your /etc/hosts, you can test before we switch over 2020-07-03T16:11:45 gotta wait for deployment in gitlab, don't I 2020-07-03T16:12:00 right, you'll have to wait for the pipeline 2020-07-03T16:14:33 (and also for the cronjob at the full hour) 2020-07-03T16:14:57 hm, yeah 2020-07-03T16:15:02 I can run it manually 2020-07-03T16:15:13 I did that for doug on 15.2 release 2020-07-03T16:17:32 haproxy config done 2020-07-03T16:18:25 *** lurchi_ is now known as lurchi__ 2020-07-03T16:21:05 as a sidenote - did you see my reply about the sql query some days ago? (not sure if you were really online - "lcp" was, but "lcp$number" wasn't ;-) 2020-07-03T16:22:08 yeah, normal lcp is dead 2020-07-03T16:22:19 lcp number is when I am online recently 2020-07-03T16:22:41 I will figure out normal lcp soonish >:D 2020-07-03T16:22:48 ok, let me dig out what I wrote ;-) 2020-07-03T16:25:15 lcp28: https://paste.opensuse.org/0bd03308 2020-07-03T16:26:19 alright, yeah, that makes sense 2020-07-03T16:27:06 just wondering - what's the number of expected results from that query? 2020-07-03T16:27:17 (IIRC I got an empty result when testing one of them ;-) 2020-07-03T16:27:38 they are empty when they finished once before 2020-07-03T16:28:33 and there is no easy answer to how many, because that can vary, since the answer is events that happened on the server since the last cache 2020-07-03T16:30:38 do you at least know a (somewhat typical) range for the number? Like 10, 100, 1k, 10k, 100k, 1M? 2020-07-03T16:32:36 no more than 100k for sure 2020-07-03T16:33:08 I would say for the current server it would probably even be under 10k 2020-07-03T16:33:59 that makes the >1M rows sequence scan (I guess that's "full table scan" in mysql terms?) interesting[tm] 2020-07-03T16:39:49 yeah, honestly I have no clue what happened and why 2020-07-03T16:40:43 the query is interesting[tm] and I'm afraid it's beyond my (postgre)sql knownledge 2020-07-03T16:41:05 so either ask upstream or a postgres expert to have a look at it ;-) 2020-07-03T16:41:16 yeah, I asked upstream to see if they can help me 2020-07-03T16:42:22 cboltz: mentoring built in jekyll, and should be in the right place 2020-07-03T16:44:21 replacing hosts entry with proxy ip shows the working site 2020-07-03T16:44:32 :-) 2020-07-03T16:44:40 I'll switch over the DNS entry 2020-07-03T16:45:57 done 2020-07-03T16:46:53 I see several "Please wait for loading the projects..." lines - is this a known issue? 2020-07-03T16:47:28 sadly yes 2020-07-03T16:49:45 sounds like your TODO list doesn't become empty ;-) 2020-07-03T16:49:58 apparently 2020-07-03T16:50:00 * cboltz also has an ever-full TODO list 2020-07-03T16:54:30 cboltz: no such rule - in fact, the only bounce from factory to dick.waite was due to html content and was 28jun 2020-07-03T16:55:45 also no bounce with "Dick" in the mail body? 2020-07-03T16:56:02 lkocman: we rejected one message from you due to html content. basiscally, our lists welcome any tom, dick and harry. 2020-07-03T16:56:23 cboltz: nope, mlmmj can't check the body 2020-07-03T16:56:40 right, now that you say it, I remember that ticket ;-) 2020-07-03T17:01:54 pjessen, ufff 2020-07-03T17:02:18 ufufuf 2020-07-03T17:02:35 I think I must have used the office365 client, as My evolution is set up to send emails in plain text 2020-07-03T17:02:36 oky 2020-07-03T17:02:43 thanks for double checking! 2020-07-03T17:03:11 lkocman: don't worry too much - I'm sure some people (hopefully including you) enjoyed reading this discussion ;-) 2020-07-03T17:20:34 lkocman: no prob, happens all the time. 2020-07-03T17:32:08 hehe :-) 2020-07-03T17:32:50 *** lurchi__ is now known as lurchi_ 2020-07-03T19:54:21 cboltz: I might try to rewrite the countdown.o.o renderer to python3, and make it use gettext instead of the current system 2020-07-03T19:55:08 I don't particularly like dealing with python, but oh well 2020-07-03T19:55:20 I won't stop you ;-) 2020-07-03T19:56:01 actually I like python (so if you have any problems, feel free to ask) - but I'm afraid there are too many things on my TODO list that are more important 2020-07-03T19:56:47 oh, and please make sure to tell me (or update the salt code) if you change the requirements of the script ;-) 2020-07-03T19:58:53 *** lurchi_ is now known as lurchi__ 2020-07-03T20:18:35 *** lurchi__ is now known as lurchi_ 2020-07-03T21:25:20 *** lurchi_ is now known as lurchi__ 2020-07-03T21:33:09 *** lurchi__ is now known as lurchi_ 2020-07-03T23:09:18 *** lurchi_ is now known as lurchi__ 2020-07-03T23:13:38 *** lurchi__ is now known as lurchi_