2020-06-17T00:02:03 *** lkocman_ is now known as lkocman 2020-06-17T02:50:32 https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-factory/ 2020-06-17T02:50:34 Sometimes this doesn't load 2020-06-17T02:50:39 "Unable to connect" 2020-06-17T02:50:52 On first try and on "Try Again" it works, bug? 2020-06-17T02:53:07 This seems to happen most of the time I try so... 2020-06-17T03:00:40 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-06-17T04:43:14 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 212 * total waiting locks: 102 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-17T04:45:24 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total waiting locks: 6 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-17T04:53:14 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-17T04:55:24 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=46 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-17T10:58:43 Hello team, if we need to activate new user in redmine, where do I file the request? Thank you 2020-06-17T10:59:18 my best guess is heroes mailing list 2020-06-17T11:27:14 *** Gerula_ is now known as Gerula 2020-06-17T12:33:54 lkocman: I don't think we need to activate new users at all in general but to have additional rights the individual project owners need to assign roles 2020-06-17T13:49:25 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 158 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-17T13:59:24 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=20 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-17T20:19:09 *** tuanpembual_ is now known as tuanpembual