2020-06-09T02:13:38 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-06-09T04:41:16 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 274 * total waiting locks: 133 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-09T04:45:27 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total waiting locks: 6 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-09T04:51:15 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=2 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-09T04:55:26 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=30 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-09T05:35:02 Hey guys, this maybe a daft question but is anyone involved with the Travis CI that could spare a couple of minutes? 2020-06-09T05:35:02 That's a result. Ok in which I shall look at some of the other issues then 2020-06-09T05:35:02 LCP Cheers for that 2020-06-09T05:35:02 One thing I was a little surprised about us that it is testing against Ubuntu 14.04. that's probably worth a look as it is basically EOL now 2020-06-09T05:35:02 *is that 2020-06-09T05:35:02 Continuous testing and Travis is something I know nothing about hence the questions 2020-06-09T05:35:03 Hell ruby and rails is also something I know nothing about either 🤣😂🤣😂. I will get there eventually though 2020-06-09T05:35:03 Not sure who would deal with this one either but the link to download the network image of leap15.2 is failing saying it isn't found in this server. It is pointing to the Build665.2 media 2020-06-09T05:35:04 It is trying to pull it from mirrors.coreix.net 2020-06-09T05:35:04 Cheers 2020-06-09T08:33:41 nice. We'd have to check the permissions and do some testing before changing the DNS. 2020-06-09T08:33:41 lcp: I think so 2020-06-09T08:33:41 lcp 2020-06-09T08:33:41 logged out and back in, seems OK now. 2020-06-09T08:33:41 malcolmlewis: AFAIK we can from the VBulletin backend. It's under Maintenance - Repair/Optimize tables, at the bottom. 2020-06-09T08:33:41 pjessen: nothing in the logs ? 2020-06-09T08:33:41 malcolmlewis: seeing this 2020-06-09T08:33:42 Error: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet', system error: 104 2020-06-09T08:33:42 guillaume_g: yup 2020-06-09T08:35:47 bmwiedemann: Seems like the OpenID provider is broken again. (The error is simply "Authentication failed".) 2020-06-09T08:55:25 Knurpht[m]: ? 2020-06-09T12:07:17 guillaume_g: freenode freed us up with amount of bots we can have on our ip, so the bridge is catching up 2020-06-09T12:07:43 don't mind it >:D 2020-06-09T13:01:57 *** Eighth_Doctor is now known as Conan_Kudo 2020-06-09T13:03:17 *** Conan_Kudo is now known as Eighth_Doctor 2020-06-09T13:07:16 *** Eighth_Doctor is now known as Eleventh_Doctor 2020-06-09T13:08:41 *** Eleventh_Doctor is now known as Eighth_Doctor 2020-06-09T13:49:26 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 164 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-09T13:51:10 Knurpht[m], hey...nope, but may be a bit late.... 2020-06-09T13:59:26 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=20 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-06-09T15:37:07 Hi All :) Is anyone working on a GDPR process for if a user requests account deletion, I'm assuming if on platform X, then it gets deleted across all other platforms? 2020-06-09T17:23:39 hi folks - the kernel teams recently moved the kernel.suse.com hosting to github. kernel.opensuse.org has been unmaintained for some time and we have two options for how to resolve that. 1) the content is the same as kernel.suse.com anyway, so a simple redirect from kernel.opensuse.org to kernel.suse.com would fix this instantly, or 2) set up the kernel-pages repo in the opensuse space on 2020-06-09T17:23:45 github. i'm not actually a member of the opensuse github org (yet), so we'd have to get that sorted first. 2020-06-09T17:23:55 and then the kernel.opensuse.org name would point to opensuse.github.io 2020-06-09T17:24:16 since both of these options need your help, i'm asking for your prefernce 2020-06-09T17:24:19 *preference 2020-06-09T18:12:13 jeff_mahoney: I would probably prefer it on openSUSE github 2020-06-09T18:22:12 ok, that's easy enough. can anyone here add me to the opensuse org? 2020-06-09T18:41:51 jeff_mahoney: I should have enough permissions - tell me what you need, and I'll have a look after the AppArmor meeting finishes 2020-06-09T18:46:08 *** luc1f3r_[m]1 is now known as luc1f3r_1033[m] 2020-06-09T18:47:51 sure, i need to have the following accounts added to the org: jeffmahoney, ptesarik, hramrach, suse-kernel with two new teams, with me as admin for both: kernel-committers and kernel-committers-bot 2020-06-09T18:48:04 and a new repo called kernel-pages, again, with me as admin 2020-06-09T18:48:18 and i think i should be able to do the rest w/ the perms laid out 2020-06-09T19:05:47 sounds like quite some work ;-) 2020-06-09T19:06:18 I think you should be able to add people who are not part of the org, so let me start with creating the repo and giving you access to it 2020-06-09T19:12:57 jeff_mahoney: kernel-pages created, you should have an invitation for admin permissions 2020-06-09T19:14:25 it looks like you can indeed add people who are not org members, so you should be able to add the other people yourself 2020-06-09T19:15:11 you can't add people that aren't part of the org to a group, but you can add people that aren't part of the org to a repo 2020-06-09T19:15:33 or was it teams 2020-06-09T19:15:48 they are subset of org in any case, always 2020-06-09T19:20:59 jeff_mahoney: regarding hosting - https://github.com/SUSE/kernel-pages looks like it includes only static html files, and I guess it will be the same for openSUSE/kernel-pages, right? 2020-06-09T19:21:29 I can offer two hosting options: a) github pages or b) hosting on the static.o.o servers which do a git pull once per hour 2020-06-09T19:22:12 any preference? ;-) 2020-06-09T19:23:11 I could probably also offer templating most of those pages into more manageable pieces, I'm not a fan of straight up html files ;) 2020-06-09T19:25:26 you mean you'd prefer hosting them on yekyll.i.o.o? ;-) 2020-06-09T19:28:18 maybe, I am just talking about maintainable development model :P 2020-06-09T19:34:32 looking at the github settings, it looks like _org members_ can create teams - jeff_mahoney: I just invited you to the org so that you can create the needed teams yourself ;-) 2020-06-09T19:44:52 ok, perfect 2020-06-09T19:44:53 thanks 2020-06-09T19:45:17 cboltz: we already use the github pages for kernel.suse.com so adding another remote for that is super easy 2020-06-09T19:46:08 though it's possible michal wouldn't mind help with the content 2020-06-09T19:52:10 basically the static.o.o servers do a "git pull" hourly, so the question is if you want the hosting on openSUSE infrastructure or using github pages 2020-06-09T19:52:19 for users, it will look the same 2020-06-09T19:52:40 the main difference is where the access_log ends up ;-) 2020-06-09T19:52:40 i'd planned on using the github pages so it's more or less the same 2020-06-09T19:54:50 cboltz: can you add suse-kernel to the org? 2020-06-09T19:55:20 that's the bot that will actually do the commits 2020-06-09T19:55:45 invite sent 2020-06-09T19:56:03 thx 2020-06-09T21:18:24 *** Always_MOOOOOOOO is now known as Always_4D4087[m] 2020-06-09T21:18:26 *** Always_4D4087[m] is now known as Always_4D[m]