2020-05-25T01:11:50 *** DrDro[m] is now known as DrDro[m]1 2020-05-25T01:11:51 *** DrDro[m]1 is now known as DrDro[m]2 2020-05-25T02:32:38 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-05-25T04:40:09 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 342 * total waiting locks: 167 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-25T04:45:27 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total waiting locks: 6 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-25T04:50:09 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-25T04:55:27 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=13 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-25T06:04:25 *** DrDro[m]2 is now known as DrDro[m]4 2020-05-25T06:04:26 *** DrDro[m]4 is now known as DrDro[m]6 2020-05-25T10:33:35 hey peepz 2020-05-25T10:33:43 there are connection problems happening from Italy 2020-05-25T10:34:03 maybe we want to put something on https://status.opensuse.org? 2020-05-25T10:38:57 *** Eleventh_Doctor is now known as Eighth_Doctor 2020-05-25T12:33:39 pjessen, hey, is it possible to AFAIK re-index the database for searching in the Forum? 2020-05-25T14:04:18 hi, is anyone having problems connecting to the opensuse.com site or repositories? 2020-05-25T14:04:31 opensuse.org 2020-05-25T17:19:38 anyone from SUSE IT available to check boot status of o3/ariel please? 2020-05-25T17:38:51 okurz: I've created a ticket: https://infra.nue.suse.com/SelfService/Display.html?id=171353&results=9af829d2fe028c42b2aa6f8630be98bb 2020-05-25T17:41:40 I was a bit in a hurry to restart the machine (wanted to check something else shortly before). I hope I haven't done anything wrong. And yes, a management interface would be very nice in general. 2020-05-25T17:48:00 Martchus_: you did good. Anything else would be working on an inconsistent state that could potentially even corrupt data 2020-05-25T17:49:43 Unfortunately my terminal is cleared. I'd like to see my last commands. I hope I haven't entered systemctl poweroff instead of reboot in the hurry. On the other hand it shows that we're in a bad state that such a small mistake can be that annoying. 2020-05-25T17:53:21 Martchus_: don't worry, that's part of daily work to encounter something like this :)