2020-05-18T02:40:27 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-05-18T03:27:54 Eighth_Doctor: got this in apache error log: AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /usr/share/ipsilon/ui/fonts, referer: https://www.opensuse.org/idp/ui/css/patternfly.css 2020-05-18T03:29:10 and somehow it still cannot access the ldaps, even though ldapsearch now works in CLI. Does the python code use a different CA store? 2020-05-18T03:32:30 This symlink is fixed by adding a Options +FollowSymLinks for /usr/share/ipsilon 2020-05-18T03:35:13 ERROR: SERVER_DOWN: Can't contact LDAP server No such file or directory -- strange error reason 2020-05-18T03:41:13 bmwiedemann1: it shouldn't be using a different CA store 2020-05-18T03:41:26 it picks up what is used by python itself 2020-05-18T03:41:38 and mod_wsgi 2020-05-18T03:42:51 I just remember the SSL struggles with OpenStack and requests/urllib doing things differently 2020-05-18T03:43:33 well, afaict, we don't do anything special in ipsilon 2020-05-18T03:43:55 but I cannot even find the "Can't contact" message in the code. 2020-05-18T03:44:52 Binary file /usr/lib64/libldap_r-2.4.so.2.10.9 matches 2020-05-18T03:45:23 so our extent of ssl stuff is only when working with oidc/saml settings (setting validation) 2020-05-18T03:45:30 and gssapi things 2020-05-18T03:45:37 but otherwise, we don't do anything here 2020-05-18T03:46:38 so that would be at the python3-ldap module 2020-05-18T03:47:07 which means you're probably hitting libopenldap stuff 2020-05-18T03:47:15 and the LDAP server to use would be stored in adminconfig.sqlite DB? 2020-05-18T03:47:23 should be 2020-05-18T03:47:34 if you're using the sqlite as the database 2020-05-18T03:47:43 though note, production deployments typically use postgres 2020-05-18T03:50:20 mariadb should also work? 2020-05-18T03:50:42 never tested it personally 2020-05-18T03:50:48 no idea 2020-05-18T03:50:56 but feel free to try :) 2020-05-18T03:51:03 I think we already have a cluster running there and I dont want to run a postgres just for ipsilon 2020-05-18T04:03:30 OK, had a wrong server in login_config. Reached next level :-) 2020-05-18T04:06:14 and somehow I'm still logged in after "Log Out" 2020-05-18T04:19:21 OK, another minor issue are fonts. Did zypper in google-opensans-fonts fontawesome-fonts ; cd /usr/share/fonts ; ln -s truetype open-sans ; ln -s truetype fontawesome 2020-05-18T04:35:02 Eighth_Doctor: and this: sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: nonce [SQL: 'DELETE FROM nonce WHERE nonce.uuid IN ... 2020-05-18T04:35:52 bmwiedemann1: that's this issue: https://pagure.io/ipsilon/pull-request/306 2020-05-18T04:36:17 it hasn't been merged yet because it's waiting for db migration code stuff, but that fixes that issue 2020-05-18T04:39:06 is it just me or does ipsilon have plenty rough edges? 2020-05-18T04:40:17 bmwiedemann1: most of the roughness comes from the somewhat freshly done python3 port 2020-05-18T04:40:28 some of it is also because you're doing a less commonly done configuration 2020-05-18T04:40:58 and some of it is because I didn't finish adapting it to openSUSE distribution before you started working on it 2020-05-18T04:41:27 fair enough 2020-05-18T04:42:07 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 200 * total waiting locks: 96 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-18T04:42:28 bmwiedemann1: I do appreciate you doing this though 2020-05-18T04:42:43 my goal is to have ipsilon 3.0.0 released after fedora and opensuse instances are live using the latest code 2020-05-18T04:43:26 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total waiting locks: 4 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-18T04:43:46 it seems, we do have a postgresql server as well :-) 2020-05-18T04:45:35 Eighth_Doctor: and I like ipsilon still way better than the openid-ldap code. Not only is it PHP, but also it is rather old and unmaintained 2020-05-18T04:45:52 :D 2020-05-18T04:46:08 and naturally, I welcome contributors to ipsilon :) 2020-05-18T04:46:51 openSUSE will be the third public deployment of ipsilon, which makes me happy :) 2020-05-18T04:46:59 (there are a few other private ones, but ehh) 2020-05-18T04:47:00 sooner or later you will get some one-liner patches from me, but I'm not a big python guru 2020-05-18T04:47:11 that's okay :) 2020-05-18T04:47:45 actually, fourth public deployment :P 2020-05-18T04:48:11 Fedora, GNOME, RPM Fusion, and now openSUSE :D 2020-05-18T04:52:08 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb2.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-18T04:53:26 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=12 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-18T04:57:47 need to prepare breakfast and get the kids to Kindergarten. See you. 2020-05-18T05:09:34 I'm going to sleep now 2020-05-18T05:09:35 bye :) 2020-05-18T05:57:58 moin 2020-05-18T06:09:39 * adrianS prepares the login server for switching 2020-05-18T06:31:14 morgen 2020-05-18T06:54:10 k, so I am going to change the DNS name for forums in next minutes .... it will take some time to propagate... 2020-05-18T06:58:06 okay 2020-05-18T06:59:53 and switching the other instances now to new authentification system ... 2020-05-18T07:01:04 looks good 2020-05-18T07:01:54 wiki works for me at least 2020-05-18T07:02:53 forums work for me 2020-05-18T07:03:05 well, i've logged in 2020-05-18T07:03:57 https://idp-portal-info.suse.com/ is updated 2020-05-18T07:04:04 marking forums as done there now as well 2020-05-18T07:05:39 that looks too easy :) 2020-05-18T07:06:12 yeah, much too easy 2020-05-18T07:15:08 * adrianS prepares some tea 2020-05-18T07:19:16 on articles I could read just 10mins ago, I am now getting "corrupted content error" 2020-05-18T07:19:48 "a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired" 2020-05-18T07:22:16 hm, is this a problem inside of the forums? 2020-05-18T07:22:21 do you have a link? 2020-05-18T07:22:34 heh, now it is working again 2020-05-18T07:30:07 * kl_eisbaer2 questions myself how to write this switch on status.opensuse.org. Is this an incident? ...a maintenance window? ...or just an improvement? :-) 2020-05-18T07:30:18 THANK YOU, guys! 2020-05-18T07:37:20 pjessen: are you writing an update to your original announcement Email ? 2020-05-18T08:19:05 kl_eisbaer2: I guess I should, yeah. I will. 2020-05-18T08:48:00 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: NRPE on olaf.infra.opensuse.org - CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not connect to Connection reset by peer ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=olaf.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2020-05-18T08:57:59 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: NRPE on olaf.infra.opensuse.org - NRPE v3.2.1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=olaf.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2020-05-18T09:07:41 adrianS: oh yeah, can we still get the email verified header in the proxy? 2020-05-18T09:17:40 lcp: most likely ... need to verify that the ldap attribute will still be used 2020-05-18T09:17:49 not that I only export old data ... 2020-05-18T09:21:50 alright 2020-05-18T10:26:58 Eighth_Doctor: curl https://www.opensuse.org/idp/openid/XRDS contains the internal hostname instead of the proxy addr :-( 2020-05-18T11:16:20 bmwiedemann1: when you initialized the ipsilon server, did you give it the name of the public hostname? 2020-05-18T11:19:46 `ipsilon-server-install` has a `--hostname` parameter which you are supposed to set to the public FQDN 2020-05-18T11:20:02 if you don't it'll try to figure it out itself 2020-05-18T11:25:36 ah, I didnt. 2020-05-18T11:25:59 can I also give it the proxy setting? 2020-05-18T11:26:28 I don't think that's a switch ipsilon has 2020-05-18T11:26:42 Conan Kudo: that would be a good thing to add 2020-05-18T11:28:40 yeah that's currently not a switch 2020-05-18T11:28:57 if someone captures that as an RFE on ipsilon's issue tracker, I'll look into it 2020-05-18T11:30:21 Now, it gets a lot further - testing with ci.opensuse.org : Failed to login: Error verifying signature with the OP: null 2020-05-18T11:31:35 what is the public address supposed to be now? 2020-05-18T11:32:01 because sso.opensuse.org just throws 503s 2020-05-18T11:32:16 (which was the address LCP and I deployed ipsilon to) 2020-05-18T11:32:38 is there a different address? 2020-05-18T11:32:40 for testing I use https://www.opensuse.org/idp/ but we might shift it later to be under the old /openid/user one 2020-05-18T11:33:36 logs show requests for /idp/openid/id/bmwiedemann.xrds and /idp/openid/yadis/bmwiedemann.xrds 2020-05-18T11:36:10 hmm 2020-05-18T11:36:21 Conan Kudo: that's because the vm run out of space 2020-05-18T11:36:46 so it can't create new sessions 2020-05-18T11:36:49 did we leave it in the huge debug mode? 2020-05-18T11:37:07 prolly 2020-05-18T11:37:16 🤦‍♂️ 2020-05-18T11:38:29 the bigger issue is probably that the sessions aren't getting removed 2020-05-18T11:38:34 and a session is created in every page access 2020-05-18T11:38:48 auto-expiry FTW 2020-05-18T11:39:30 well, the easiest way to fix it would be to use pg for sessions instead of files 2020-05-18T11:39:48 but sql sessions are currently broken and just don't work 2020-05-18T11:40:04 tested it, didn't have the time to debug 2020-05-18T11:41:59 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: NRPE on olaf.infra.opensuse.org - CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not connect to Connection reset by peer ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=olaf.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2020-05-18T12:22:39 pjessen, hey seems forum email notifications are not working, any idea about that? 2020-05-18T12:27:49 malcolmlewis: it might be because smtp port in vb is set to 26 2020-05-18T12:28:19 I changed it to 25, let's see if it works now 2020-05-18T12:31:51 lcp, thanks :) 2020-05-18T12:54:26 lcp, email notifications all good now ;) 2020-05-18T12:55:18 glad to hear it worked 2020-05-18T13:35:52 Eighth_Doctor: could it be that I need the nonce patch for openid to work? 2020-05-18T13:36:03 bmwiedemann1: it's possible 2020-05-18T13:36:16 it's applied on the instance LCP and I run as well 2020-05-18T13:36:46 I've been a bit leery about it because it's not finished and doesn't have a db migration written in 2020-05-18T13:37:50 malcolmlewis: I'll check. 2020-05-18T13:38:11 https://pagure.io/ipsilon/pull-request/306#_1__42 looks like a migration, no? 2020-05-18T13:40:17 malcolmlewisL mails are being sent, just not many. I see two having gone out to xs4all.nl, for instance 2020-05-18T13:40:41 bmwiedemann1: ah I missed that 2020-05-18T13:40:55 I need to run tests and see if it's good 2020-05-18T13:47:27 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 220 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-18T13:49:32 Eighth_Doctor: openid still does not work :-( how does one best debug that? 2020-05-18T13:50:11 you can turn on response debugging and look at the logs 2020-05-18T13:50:27 err response logging 2020-05-18T13:50:39 off the top of my head I can't remember the key, but LCP knows it 2020-05-18T13:50:55 * Eighth_Doctor is going into work now 2020-05-18T13:54:11 I used debug = True 2020-05-18T13:54:33 but nothing obvious/wrong visible there 2020-05-18T13:55:03 pjessen, looks like lcp fixed it, was the port ;) 2020-05-18T13:55:44 malcolmlewis: okay. I guess I forgot to change it. 2020-05-18T14:07:26 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=47 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-18T16:11:32 forums.o.o not reachable. nor the admincp. Not getting an email about incorrect login attempts. 2020-05-18T16:11:53 is this a known issue? 2020-05-18T16:28:46 oh yeah 2020-05-18T16:28:50 malcolmlewis: can you access them? 2020-05-18T16:29:16 lcp: any idea? 2020-05-18T16:29:43 logging into the proxy does that 2020-05-18T16:29:58 it might be bugged plugin, let me take a look 2020-05-18T16:30:53 eh, I'm locked out for now, gotta wait a moment 2020-05-18T16:31:33 you can use https://forums.opensuse.org/cmd/ICSLogout to not have to deal with white screen for now 2020-05-18T16:32:20 after 15 minutes you should be able to login into admincp from there 2020-05-18T16:34:53 actually, this might be the fault of the proxy 2020-05-18T16:36:21 I'll wait, it still says the password is wrong and I know it is not. 2020-05-18T16:37:33 pjessen: eh, vb is being stupid, it assumes everybody accessing from behind the proxy is a malicious actor, because somebody is probably trying to break into admincp/modcp 2020-05-18T16:37:58 so it doesn't matter if the password is right or wrong 2020-05-18T16:38:19 actually, accessing vb from i.o.o might work 2020-05-18T16:39:55 it almost does 2020-05-18T16:40:25 yeah, vb behind a proxy is a mistake 2020-05-18T16:47:04 okay, fixed it 2020-05-18T16:47:14 I removed the ip address strikes entirely 2020-05-18T16:48:06 that however means that it's very easy for an attacker to try to bruteforce their way into an admin/mod account since there is no limit on how many times they can try to enter a password 2020-05-18T16:51:12 Mmmm 2020-05-18T16:51:41 AFAICS that risk then always existed .... 2020-05-18T16:53:11 well, previously you did have a strike on ip for 15 minutes after 5 failed attempts 2020-05-18T16:53:22 (which is what was triggered by the proxy here) 2020-05-18T16:55:08 if I found the part of code that triggered this, I could try to retool it to work with referrer system 2020-05-18T16:55:46 I am also lazy, so I will just get through the stuff with discourse 2020-05-18T16:56:05 and I would rather work with ruby than php ;) 2020-05-18T16:56:12 lcp: does the proxy add a X-Forwarded-For header with the original IP? vb could use that instead 2020-05-18T16:58:57 I think, it is not default-on in haproxy, but can be enabled with 1 line option 2020-05-18T17:01:58 it might not 2020-05-18T17:02:25 it should also set https header most likely (for $_SERVER['HTTPS']) 2020-05-18T17:02:36 it doesn't do any of that 2020-05-18T17:10:15 forums.opensuse.org/snoop.php shows X-Forwarded-For: (null), 2020-05-18T17:10:37 right, so that works 2020-05-18T17:11:15 there's also X-Forwarded-Proto: https - but no HTTPS header (as discussed yesterday) 2020-05-18T17:21:50 yeah 2020-05-18T17:32:13 cboltz: the (null) might be the issue 2020-05-18T17:32:24 because afaict it checks for this 2020-05-18T17:34:37 the interesting thing is that services behind login2.o.o go through two proxies - first login2.o.o (daffy{1,2]), then haproxy (on anna/elsa) 2020-05-18T17:35:01 I'd have to check the config of both to find out where the header gets set 2020-05-18T17:35:24 huh, interesting 2020-05-18T17:36:10 I implemented protocol switching using $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] btw 2020-05-18T17:36:14 so that part works now 2020-05-18T17:36:35 you can now login internally and externally thanks to that 2020-05-18T17:39:09 SetenvIf X-Forwarded-For ",\s+([^,]+)" clientip=$1 # from forum.i.o.o apache config - so even apache might do something to that header 2020-05-18T17:40:37 well, that's an env, it can be used somewhere else, but I would rather remove the part where the proxy sets an empty header 2020-05-18T17:41:18 actually that pinted me to something: 2020-05-18T17:41:27 s/pinted/pointed/ 2020-05-18T17:41:43 SetEnv HTTPS on gives me $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' (tested locally) 2020-05-18T17:44:13 right 2020-05-18T17:47:04 Seems to be OK now. Admincp now also shows the SSL is OK 2020-05-18T17:51:38 cboltz: `SetEnvIf X-Forwarded-Proto "^https$" HTTPS=on` 2020-05-18T17:51:43 that worked 2020-05-18T18:33:11 :-) 2020-05-18T18:36:37 I'm still clueless about proxy stuff 2020-05-18T19:15:59 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: NRPE on olaf.infra.opensuse.org - CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not connect to Connection reset by peer ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=olaf.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2020-05-18T19:26:00 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: NRPE on olaf.infra.opensuse.org - NRPE v3.2.1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=olaf.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2020-05-18T19:59:32 lcp: what do you think about my idea to use | or ? as newline replacement in the machine list? An answer to this (whatever you answer) is the only thing that stops me from merging !401 2020-05-18T20:00:10 I don't really know 2020-05-18T20:03:08 I'm also not sure (and don't have a problem with merging as-is) 2020-05-18T20:03:44 maybe hostusage and alias columns might benefit from a separator, look for example at the aliases for mirrordb3 in your screenshot 2020-05-18T21:52:03 I fixed IP detection in vb, by adding a config option that causes proxy variables to trigger 2020-05-18T21:52:23 so now the correct IP is associated with the user 2020-05-18T21:52:29 and not the proxy 2020-05-18T21:52:37 I also turn the strike thing back on 2020-05-18T21:56:25 and I can see peoples' IPs are correctly set, so it should work