2020-05-05T03:10:09 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: NRPE on olaf.infra.opensuse.org - CHECK_NRPE STATE CRITICAL: Socket timeout after 10 seconds. ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=olaf.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2020-05-05T03:19:59 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: NRPE on olaf.infra.opensuse.org - NRPE v3.2.1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=olaf.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2020-05-05T04:45:26 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total waiting locks: 3 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-05T04:55:26 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=16 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-05T08:09:37 *** ldevulder_ is now known as ldevulder 2020-05-05T10:51:27 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 59 * total waiting locks: 1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-05T11:01:26 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=38 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-05T11:15:26 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 64 * total waiting locks: 1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-05-05T13:20:32 kl_eisbaer: could you please take a look at this asap? https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/66307 2020-05-05T13:21:15 lcp and I need that for our freeipa stuff and I'd be very grateful if you could take care of that asap 2020-05-05T14:00:14 cboltz: sign up link on the wiki is broken 2020-05-05T14:00:43 since SUSE removed their sign up page from their website 2020-05-05T14:01:25 and no, I don't actually know what sign up page they want the contributors to use :/ 2020-05-05T14:40:29 * Eighth_Doctor grumbles 2020-05-05T14:51:33 *** AikoChan[m]1 is now known as AikoChan0100[m] 2020-05-05T15:16:36 lcp, I think this one still works... https://www.microfocus.com/selfreg/jsp/createOpenSuseAccount.jsp 2020-05-05T15:17:29 * Eighth_Doctor remembers when he created a Novell account for joining openSUSE and had to give so much bogus information 2020-05-05T15:18:32 malcolmlewis: nope, it errors because you can't input address there 2020-05-05T15:22:04 lcp, ahh ok :) 2020-05-05T16:37:09 King_InuYasha: sounds to me like you guys want to flood us with Fedora and CentOS machines... 2020-05-05T16:44:14 King_InuYasha: at the moment, I see 2020-05-05T16:44:19 fedora-accounts.infra.opensuse.org 2020-05-05T16:44:19 fedora-sso.infra.opensuse.org 2020-05-05T16:44:19 freeipa2.infra.opensuse.org 2020-05-05T16:44:19 freeipa.infra.opensuse.org 2020-05-05T16:44:19 identification.infra.opensuse.org 2020-05-05T16:45:19 Do you really need another machine? 2020-05-05T16:46:15 ...or, asking the other way around: with that amount of machines, could you provide me with a customized JeOS image (best: build with OBS), that I can use to deploy as simple as our openSUSE images? 2020-05-05T16:47:07 otherwise it needs some time as I need to setup each machine from scratch :-/ 2020-05-05T16:51:51 kl_eisbaer: this is the only task where we are actually pressed for time 2020-05-05T16:52:24 and I do write the last because I truly believe we need a total of 0 more fedora machines 2020-05-05T16:52:43 after this one of course 2020-05-05T16:54:03 working with fedora on this stuff really isn't preferable for us either, since that means we are "off the grid" when it comes to the salt repo until that works on rh-family stuff 2020-05-05T17:56:27 good evening 2020-05-05T17:57:45 HI 2020-05-05T17:59:47 Hi 2020-05-05T17:59:54 good morning 2020-05-05T18:00:01 *** tzfux[m]1 is now known as txfux[muted][m] 2020-05-05T18:01:14 good afternoon 2020-05-05T18:01:35 hi everybody, and welcome to the heroes meeting! 2020-05-05T18:01:48 kl_eisbaer: fwiw, if this keeps happening, I *will* make a JeOS image 2020-05-05T18:01:55 two questions in parallel: 2020-05-05T18:02:01 I know how to since I maintain kiwi in fedora ;) 2020-05-05T18:02:03 - who is here for the meeting and 2020-05-05T18:02:14 - does someone from the community have questions? 2020-05-05T18:02:17 me 2020-05-05T18:02:19 Me 2020-05-05T18:02:24 Me 2020-05-05T18:02:27 I'm here! :) 2020-05-05T18:03:08 hello everybody. 2020-05-05T18:03:13 hello? 2020-05-05T18:04:44 is that a community question? :P 2020-05-05T18:05:04 HI 2020-05-05T18:05:17 hi 2020-05-05T18:05:32 lcp: it seems to become a tradition that we don't have community questions - but I'd love to be proven wrong ;-) 2020-05-05T18:05:52 actually yes 2020-05-05T18:05:54 I can ask community questions if you want 2020-05-05T18:05:57 you did have community questions when I was the community 2020-05-05T18:05:59 I am not a hero :P 2020-05-05T18:06:18 Hi! 2020-05-05T18:06:21 who are you, Redtigra? I'm unfamiliar with your nick 2020-05-05T18:06:30 though I can guess who gp_ is :D 2020-05-05T18:06:44 gp -> great person? :-) 2020-05-05T18:06:49 indeed 2020-05-05T18:06:51 I am a (relatively) new team lead of Engineering Infra SUSE 2020-05-05T18:06:53 all these new people though :) 2020-05-05T18:07:22 jdsn's and mcaj's boss, if they don't mind. very young hero embrion :) 2020-05-05T18:07:30 glad to meet you all 2020-05-05T18:07:53 glad to have you all here ;-) 2020-05-05T18:07:57 hello, nice to meet you :) 2020-05-05T18:08:02 and my boss :-) 2020-05-05T18:08:11 it's always nice to meet SUSE folks :D 2020-05-05T18:08:38 yes, bmwiedermann's too :) 2020-05-05T18:09:03 I would be better to meet F2F on openSUSE conference but that not going to happen this year... 2020-05-05T18:09:11 cboltz: let's get through the topics, because I feel we have a big one at the end 2020-05-05T18:09:19 right 2020-05-05T18:09:37 let's do a *quick* round of status reports - and then focus on the account system 2020-05-05T18:09:47 so - does someone have a status report? 2020-05-05T18:09:50 cboltz: I've also got one (though not exactly a community questions). :-) Happy to have that at the end. 2020-05-05T18:10:19 I had report. 2020-05-05T18:10:35 go ahead ;-) 2020-05-05T18:10:55 Last weeks, We already migrate new progress. I hope get less complaint and bug. 2020-05-05T18:11:21 if you have found any error, please update this ticket: https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/65456 2020-05-05T18:11:32 some last issue have been solved. 2020-05-05T18:11:40 that from me. 2020-05-05T18:12:00 If here any I can help, something with container. I will be glad to help 2020-05-05T18:12:10 :D 2020-05-05T18:12:38 next. 2020-05-05T18:12:59 tuanpembual: thanks for new progress, it looks great :) 2020-05-05T18:13:04 for the new freeipa, and the rest of the stuff, it was deployed and followed by the very popular announcement on the mailing list 2020-05-05T18:13:22 and matrix + riot are setup for when we have saml and/or oidc to connect to it 2020-05-05T18:13:32 thanks King_InuYasha 2020-05-05T18:13:37 🔥 2020-05-05T18:14:08 that's it for me :P 2020-05-05T18:14:32 I've been working with lcp on some bug squashing with ipsilon (id.i.o.o / f-s.i.o.o) 2020-05-05T18:14:51 things are in (mostly) good shape, and once we go into production, I'll cut the 3.0.0 release officially based on that 2020-05-05T18:15:36 I'm in touch with rhbz devs, and they're going to be releasing rhbz source in the coming days 2020-05-05T18:15:50 from there, we can look to adapt for susebz to shift to saml2 auth 2020-05-05T18:16:41 fedora-aaa and lcp and I are in touch now and actively collaborating on features and configuration details 2020-05-05T18:16:47 quite a surprising announcement, not expected that this week 2020-05-05T18:17:03 I was pretty pleased too :) 2020-05-05T18:18:06 working on some stuff in pagure for the upcoming code.i.o.o and dist.i.o.o instances, we'll see how that goes 2020-05-05T18:18:43 oh, and working with lcp on freeipa porting to opensuse... good progress is made, perhaps we'll have it in a year :) 2020-05-05T18:18:48 that's it for me :) 2020-05-05T18:19:13 I moved www.o.o from Provo to Nuremberg ~2 weeks ago, and besides /searchPage/ (which I wasn't aware of, and hot-fixed) everything went smooth :-) (no serious 404s in the error_log) 2020-05-05T18:19:40 Note that www.o.o/openid/ is still proxied to the server in Provo - that's something we'll need to change 2020-05-05T18:20:03 cboltz: lcp and I are working on a replacement for that, it's... ugly :( 2020-05-05T18:20:16 cboltz: I am working on openid setup for our new bugzilla-ldap 2020-05-05T18:20:37 King_InuYasha: sounds interesting[tm]... 2020-05-05T18:20:45 s/bugzilla-ldap/community-accounts/ :) 2020-05-05T18:21:10 * jdsn is just trying to get rid of the term "bugzilla account" :) 2020-05-05T18:21:15 haha 2020-05-05T18:21:27 still better than "Novell account" ;-) 2020-05-05T18:21:38 well, yes, but we can do better :) 2020-05-05T18:21:41 I still have my email saying welcome to your novell account :P 2020-05-05T18:21:50 lol 2020-05-05T18:21:50 * adrianS would name jdsn's "community-accounts" instead "developer accounts" since they are used for all development topics, inside and outside of suse ... 2020-05-05T18:22:03 and partners 2020-05-05T18:22:07 >_> 2020-05-05T18:22:07 did you mean Micro Focus/NetIQ/Novell/SUSE/openSUSE accounts? :P 2020-05-05T18:22:16 >_< 2020-05-05T18:22:37 yep, still the same database, just migrated now 2020-05-05T18:22:41 adrianS: and probably also bugreporters and forum users, so not only developers ;-) 2020-05-05T18:22:51 and wiki people too :) 2020-05-05T18:22:58 did we shift to that topic already? 2020-05-05T18:23:04 bugreporters for sure ... not sure if forum and wiki will use it? 2020-05-05T18:23:06 well, and also future chat infra, and meet.o.o etc 2020-05-05T18:23:18 or using independ account database? 2020-05-05T18:23:21 and code/dist too 2020-05-05T18:23:31 jdsn: depends - does someone have a status report _not_ related to accounts? 2020-05-05T18:23:41 if yes, please speak up *now* ;-) 2020-05-05T18:23:48 adrianS: Per said he was trying. 2020-05-05T18:24:28 oh yeah, we have auth setup on forums 2020-05-05T18:24:34 forgot about that :P 2020-05-05T18:24:50 robin_listas: you mean trying to use a login proxy? 2020-05-05T18:25:02 lcp: that was the *first* thing we did :P 2020-05-05T18:25:05 for forums? 2020-05-05T18:25:17 kinda important, since that allows us to move forums from provo at last 2020-05-05T18:25:25 yup 2020-05-05T18:25:59 I would have some status reports - but I guess everyone wants to focus on IDM. So fine with me (less to type ;-) 2020-05-05T18:26:16 kl_eisbaer: well, if you have stuff to tell us, please do so :D 2020-05-05T18:26:27 I will just send my reports to the mailing list, I guess that's easier. 2020-05-05T18:26:42 also an option, whatever you prefer ;-) 2020-05-05T18:26:56 King_InuYasha: well: the current Fedora installer seems not to like my static IP configuration :-/ 2020-05-05T18:26:59 adrianS: He said "we expect to hook the forums into the above too (Nuernberg datacenter) 2020-05-05T18:27:13 kl_eisbaer: :( 2020-05-05T18:27:15 cboltz: I prefer to go to bed early ;-) -> Email 2020-05-05T18:27:32 ok, then I'm looking forward for your mail(s) ;-) 2020-05-05T18:27:41 King_InuYasha: I will try again, but IMHO I did nothing different than the last time. I'll keep you updated once the machine is available 2020-05-05T18:27:55 kl_eisbaer: if f32 isn't working, f31 is fine 2020-05-05T18:27:57 we can upgrade after 2020-05-05T18:28:04 robin_listas: and he is still trying or give up? or needs some help? 2020-05-05T18:28:09 King_InuYasha: I'm down to 31 already :-/ 2020-05-05T18:28:12 oh dear 2020-05-05T18:28:27 kl_eisbaer: it didn't work with f32 I take it? 2020-05-05T18:28:32 I guess I will trash the qemu config and start from scratch - something seems fishy 2020-05-05T18:28:37 yeah, that's odd 2020-05-05T18:28:39 Dunno. YOu will have to ask him. That was this morning when he said this. 2020-05-05T18:28:43 if you need help, let me know later :) 2020-05-05T18:28:52 I'll do my best to assist 2020-05-05T18:31:44 cboltz: ? IDM ? 2020-05-05T18:31:46 given the silence for > a minute, let's officially switch the topic to the account system 2020-05-05T18:31:57 yes ;-) 2020-05-05T18:32:01 IDM/IDP: then maybe I can start and quickly share what we did the last days/weeks: 2020-05-05T18:32:05 here we go 2020-05-05T18:32:08 https://jdsn.de/ucs-setup-simplified.png 2020-05-05T18:32:18 we were setting up the Univention servers and then making sure we can bring all our data home into the NUE data center 2020-05-05T18:32:25 so we had to make sure that all this is setup for the Bugzilla move on the coming weekend 2020-05-05T18:32:29 thats what kept us busy days 'and nights' ... 2020-05-05T18:32:41 for many services this will mean just a small config change 2020-05-05T18:32:58 but as the schedules are no longer that tight as they were until yesterday, we have now time to spread the switch of services using that authentication backend step by step 2020-05-05T18:33:57 alright, I am actually very curious about your current system first and foremost 2020-05-05T18:33:59 the diagram is very simplified, it should just show that we remove any dependency from MF and Novell-Servers and other datacenters 2020-05-05T18:35:11 so basically (and even more simplified) s/Novell account/SUSE account/ ? 2020-05-05T18:35:30 I assume your new system is email based and not username based, how does username mapping work to the existing services 2020-05-05T18:36:04 bugzilla is email-based, all other systems afaik are uid based 2020-05-05T18:36:08 I assume based on the lack of username entry in the register and login fields on suse.com ;) 2020-05-05T18:36:23 it is the same data as until now, except for the password. 2020-05-05T18:36:26 well, obs is username based at the moment 2020-05-05T18:36:30 we do not map, we use the same data 2020-05-05T18:37:07 it looks like scc is moving to email based (which makes me happy) 2020-05-05T18:37:24 * King_InuYasha is still annoyed that his suse account is ngompa when it's for his partner-related work 2020-05-05T18:37:53 scc is using Okta, but this is out of scope for development work and IMHO also for opensuse cost wise .... 2020-05-05T18:38:02 thank goodness 2020-05-05T18:38:12 I don't want to deal with Okta more than I already have to 2020-05-05T18:39:44 btw, we will switch first internal services tomorrow to the new system of jdsn to see how it works in real life 2020-05-05T18:40:08 wait, what? 2020-05-05T18:40:10 why? 2020-05-05T18:40:21 fingers cross 2020-05-05T18:40:28 also, what are "internal services"? 2020-05-05T18:40:39 SUSE-internal 2020-05-05T18:40:48 our internal Build-Service e.g. 2020-05-05T18:40:52 ah okay 2020-05-05T18:40:54 does that include switching over internal openQA? :D 2020-05-05T18:41:18 not tomorrow :) 2020-05-05T18:41:40 I see, I see 2020-05-05T18:42:19 jdsn: how much has the timeline been loosened? 2020-05-05T18:42:20 alright, so I would like to know what the goals are for switching over openSUSE stuff 2020-05-05T18:42:48 the migration phase "can" happen until end of June 2020-05-05T18:42:54 but that is a very hard stop 2020-05-05T18:43:09 we want to move as much services as possible in the next 2 weeks 2020-05-05T18:43:17 we = SUSE internal 2020-05-05T18:43:20 sorry 2020-05-05T18:43:47 I'll answer about timeline 2020-05-05T18:43:49 and I would recommend to also move the openSUSE services rather early because there is one good reason: 2020-05-05T18:43:53 And I would like to move build.opensuse.org also asap to avoid that we run into problems due to different new accounts ... 2020-05-05T18:44:10 (same login name, but different user) 2020-05-05T18:44:27 it came out, that auth backend is required to be cut off till May 18th for Bugzilla only 2020-05-05T18:44:30 people who do not have a valid email address set in their account (and wont change it because they would loose access to their bugzilla entries) will have to migrate their account 2020-05-05T18:44:38 adrianS: sounds unlikely - account creation is currently broken :-/ 2020-05-05T18:44:51 that's Bugzilla cut over requirement, not the whole auth. 2020-05-05T18:44:55 this migration works with the old AccessManager still in place and with your old credentials - and this without a password reset mail 2020-05-05T18:44:58 cboltz: well, that is good from this POV :) 2020-05-05T18:45:11 after end June we can only offer password reset mails 2020-05-05T18:45:27 Redtigra, jdsn: so lcp and I have been mostly operating under the assumption that everything needs to cut over in two weeks 2020-05-05T18:46:01 as Daniel said, we'd like to complete migration as earlier as possible to a) avoid two accounts and b) to have some time in case things go wrong at some place/moment 2020-05-05T18:46:09 adrianS: that's the only positive thing about the broken account creation... 2020-05-05T18:46:19 cboltz: I agree 2020-05-05T18:46:20 King_InuYasha: so were we until yesterday :) 2020-05-05T18:46:29 think how well I slept last night 2020-05-05T18:46:29 King_InuYasha, so did we :D 2020-05-05T18:46:32 :) 2020-05-05T18:47:01 so, on our side (oS Heroes), lcp and I had been working on decoupling from Novell accounts since late 2018 2020-05-05T18:47:31 in January, we started working with the Fedora AAA folks to enumerate our requirements and mesh them into their solution that they were developing to replace FAS 2020-05-05T18:47:39 (FAS is Fedora Account System, their legacy platform) 2020-05-05T18:47:45 and there were 2 reasons, foundation and infra independence 2020-05-05T18:48:01 and we grew some more reasons along the way 2020-05-05T18:48:38 I see the point - and - I even support it 2020-05-05T18:48:41 in February, we enumerated the list of applications we needed to handle for accounts, and in March started working on that effort 2020-05-05T18:49:00 on the other hand SUSE is providing services to their communities and employees and customers 2020-05-05T18:49:07 the original plan was to split the accounts slowly and cut over by the openSUSE Conference this year 2020-05-05T18:49:17 as you might know, heroes internally use freeipa for various parts of IPA management, and we wouldn't like to part ways with that, for now at least 2020-05-05T18:49:20 and these are certified, so SUSE must be in control of this idetity system 2020-05-05T18:49:43 this requirement does not apply in the openSUSE case, based on the conversation I've had with gp_ 2020-05-05T18:49:45 but we can offer to oS to make use of it as oS did until now 2020-05-05T18:50:38 so I'm confused why this point was brought up 2020-05-05T18:51:02 because outside of bugzilla (which needs special handling anyway), nobody in the community side sees or controls SUSE-internal stuff 2020-05-05T18:51:09 only the other way around 2020-05-05T18:51:28 well, if you can control the identity, you can become everyone and see all content 2020-05-05T18:51:35 hopefully 2020-05-05T18:51:40 what makes SUSE more special than openSUSE? 2020-05-05T18:51:48 that also not true for Jira/Confluence 2020-05-05T18:51:53 which we cannot use 2020-05-05T18:52:02 nobody in the community can use or access those systems 2020-05-05T18:52:02 a Common Criteria Certification 2020-05-05T18:52:04 the certification requires that only written down people can control the identity system who are employees 2020-05-05T18:52:15 openSUSE uses neither Jira nor Confluence tho 2020-05-05T18:52:25 lcp: but the same account DB is used for both 2020-05-05T18:52:31 we don't care about those 2020-05-05T18:52:32 community is bigger than oS :) 2020-05-05T18:52:37 King_InuYasha: you can not become another identity if you are root on the IDM server? 2020-05-05T18:52:51 adrianS: not easily, no 2020-05-05T18:53:09 King_InuYasha: that is a few ldapmodify :P 2020-05-05T18:53:10 it's possible, of course, but the architecture does not make that simple to do 2020-05-05T18:53:30 adrianS: why should oS applications trust SUSE IdM in the same manner? 2020-05-05T18:53:39 something like "we don't care about those" makes it harder to consolidate 2020-05-05T18:53:49 King_InuYasha: that is a valid question 2020-05-05T18:53:54 right 2020-05-05T18:53:55 from a user (or customer) perspective it would mean yet another login 2020-05-05T18:54:06 but we would have to split that stuff either way, due to foundation stuff 2020-05-05T18:54:09 however, if we decide for a split, it means we also need to split bugzilla and some OBS content 2020-05-05T18:54:24 basically we would work more seperate and less together 2020-05-05T18:54:39 jdsn: my experience in Fedora ecosystem has shown that it works quite well with FAS and RH/Customer and RH/Employee being separate 2020-05-05T18:54:54 IMHO the opposite should be the goal .... as we see with the "open SUSE bugs" discussion 2020-05-05T18:55:36 then the question becomes, should we unite under SUSE? or under openSUSE? 2020-05-05T18:55:51 thats also my take, and also the goal of the closing the leap gap project 2020-05-05T18:55:54 my feeling is that we should unite under openSUSE, and federate SUSE into openSUSE 2020-05-05T18:55:56 we would need seperate instance and write some additional code to be able to connect accounts 2020-05-05T18:56:04 all doable, but not cheap 2020-05-05T18:56:11 adrianS: lcp and I have already been thinking about it and working on it 2020-05-05T18:56:28 we knew going in that we'd have to solve this, and we assumed that this is something we need to do 2020-05-05T18:57:12 you mean connecting accounts, not building up new bugzilla and OBS servers, right? 2020-05-05T18:57:14 yes 2020-05-05T18:57:31 I maintain enough OBS servers :) 2020-05-05T18:58:22 the openSUSE accounts system that lcp and I have been working on basically non-stop for two months is very extensible 2020-05-05T18:58:40 and our goal is that SUSE Linux 16 platform will let use switch fully over to openSUSE Leap 16 for the infra 2020-05-05T18:58:53 we will aggressively switch things over to openSUSE Leap as it becomes technically feasible 2020-05-05T18:59:35 we are using Fedora servers for now to speed up deployment, and it helps with working with our friends in Fedora on this 2020-05-05T19:00:53 adrianS, jdsn: this work is also how I've made the biggest push to get Red Hat to release the sources for Red Hat Bugzilla 2020-05-05T19:01:01 I vote for fewer accounts not more. 2020-05-05T19:01:16 which includes their multi-auth module for Bugzilla 2020-05-05T19:01:20 I think we can have such a discussion at a given time, the topic now should be to plan for the switch of the openSUSE services to Univention - because the timer is ticking 2020-05-05T19:01:21 using SAML 2 2020-05-05T19:01:41 me too, that's why heroes accounts would be merged with this systems so we would have total of the same number of accounts 2020-05-05T19:01:55 not more 2020-05-05T19:01:56 nothing prevents us from separating after the Univention system is live 2020-05-05T19:02:44 and with less dependecies now it should be even easier technically 2020-05-05T19:02:47 lcp: for everyone who works for suse it means more accounts not less. 2020-05-05T19:02:52 you should really see both sides 2020-05-05T19:02:58 yes, I do think we should do it after, however I can already hear adrianS complaining about this :P 2020-05-05T19:03:11 we can target sso.opensuse.org to the univention server 2020-05-05T19:03:11 me to :) 2020-05-05T19:03:22 I even see pros and cons for both sides 2020-05-05T19:03:26 that way applications don't have to be aware once we switch the backends 2020-05-05T19:03:30 so even I am split :) 2020-05-05T19:03:52 as someone who is both a suse partner/customer and opensuse contributor, I *really* prefer those two being split 2020-05-05T19:04:18 well then, maybe get OBS to support more protocols, so we can have multiple openid connect providers there 2020-05-05T19:04:20 again: I see this as topic for later 2020-05-05T19:04:21 but I recognize others care otherwise 2020-05-05T19:04:22 King_InuYasha: and I would even prefer to have just 1 account for all suse stuff 2020-05-05T19:04:25 *really* 2020-05-05T19:04:34 omniauth would support this 2020-05-05T19:04:35 the new schedule gives us more time, but lets not waste it now 2020-05-05T19:04:49 jdsn: how far along are you on the data import for openSUSE data? 2020-05-05T19:04:59 lcp: again, it is not about the protocols in first place, that is really a detail. It is about the trust of the content 2020-05-05T19:05:06 King_InuYasha: its done :) 2020-05-05T19:05:16 if you can bridge the ldap endpoint into heroes servers, we can make sso.os.o talk to it and provide saml2, oidc, and openid 2020-05-05T19:05:24 and given that one can become root on many systems via OBS I am indeed really conservative, I admit 2020-05-05T19:05:39 but it is not my decision at the end of the day 2020-05-05T19:05:47 Univention already offers saml 2020-05-05T19:05:52 but I want to make sure that all sides understand what they are doing ... 2020-05-05T19:05:54 and openid connect 2020-05-05T19:06:04 jdsn: but not plain openid 2020-05-05T19:06:13 I get it, I get 2020-05-05T19:06:14 and I think connecting to our endpoint will result in fewer app changes 2020-05-05T19:06:19 correct, thats what Bernhard is working on ;) 2020-05-05T19:06:25 but given the certifications, it *will* mean we need to build up new OBS and bugzilla instances 2020-05-05T19:06:36 King_InuYasha: ok, also good point 2020-05-05T19:06:38 at least as long as SUSE says that these certifications are important 2020-05-05T19:06:50 jdsn: and if you want, you can deploy ipsilon internally for suse openid 2020-05-05T19:07:01 it's free software: https://pagure.io/ipsilon 2020-05-05T19:07:05 adrianS: I wonder where in OBS there is anything hidden tbh 2020-05-05T19:07:06 no we dont 2020-05-05T19:07:19 lcp: for security updates under embargo 2020-05-05T19:07:34 oh, really? 2020-05-05T19:07:35 and we would need to rethink some syncing stuff IMHO 2020-05-05T19:07:51 yes, all can be done, but it has consequences 2020-05-05T19:07:56 jdsn: I'm also packaging it for openSUSE, though some small work needs to be done to fix the configs and such 2020-05-05T19:07:59 I can guarantee that kind of assurances/certifications will remain relevant for a long time. 2020-05-05T19:08:00 and means work :) 2020-05-05T19:08:12 hm, that does make sense, I was always thinking this is done in IBS instead 2020-05-05T19:08:26 I assumed this work was done in IBS as well 2020-05-05T19:08:37 King_InuYasha: not if the target is opensuse 2020-05-05T19:08:43 at work, I tended to use the cross-system copypac to push out publicly 2020-05-05T19:08:44 lcp: well, would be an option to do it only in IBS and not include community maintainers anymore 2020-05-05T19:08:55 but IMHO not wanted 2020-05-05T19:09:12 adrianS: if you're involving community maintainers already, what's the net-change on the situation? 2020-05-05T19:09:16 well, Leap stuff is synced from SLE, so how does that collaboration work 2020-05-05T19:09:27 King_InuYasha: it is only on topic and it is documented 2020-05-05T19:09:39 it is not that multiple people can see *everything* 2020-05-05T19:09:39 lcp: not all of it. 2020-05-05T19:09:58 same for bugzilla 2020-05-05T19:10:05 that's true, but this seems like the goal of jump :P 2020-05-05T19:10:12 that are not my rules, just like common criteria is designed ... 2020-05-05T19:10:23 but we need to ensure to follow the rules ... with blood 2020-05-05T19:10:49 consequences of a violation are not really nice ... 2020-05-05T19:11:07 I know :( 2020-05-05T19:11:16 I've had to follow those rules before 2020-05-05T19:11:31 personally I thought all your freeipa+ipsilon work was just for heroes stuff not for all of opensuse TBH 2020-05-05T19:11:31 I know what they are and how to deal with many of them 2020-05-05T19:12:11 i mean did you ask what the suse plans are before starting what with the work? 2020-05-05T19:12:13 darix: some of it, yeah 2020-05-05T19:12:22 darix: we *did* 2020-05-05T19:12:25 aha 2020-05-05T19:12:26 for almost a year 2020-05-05T19:12:38 nobody ever responded to any inquiry by us 2020-05-05T19:12:45 who did you ask?:) 2020-05-05T19:13:00 jdsn: :D 2020-05-05T19:13:27 we have tried *very* hard to consider everything when we started this work _last year_ after oSC 2020-05-05T19:13:53 just curious you never spoke to me about it after osc :) 2020-05-05T19:14:11 lcp: that was not "for years" ;) I am in the team since last October :) 2020-05-05T19:14:15 I should have asked during oSC >:D 2020-05-05T19:14:25 * adrianS whished he knew that so many people would join FreeIPA work that would have maybe changed the decision last year, since we evaluated it as well ... 2020-05-05T19:14:27 I forgot tho, and had to run do a talk anyway 2020-05-05T19:14:40 adrianS: freeipa suse platform was merged in 2020-05-05T19:14:40 and yes, I meanwhile found your mail - it was directed to me alone :( 2020-05-05T19:14:41 jdsn: no, we asked you recently, yeah 2020-05-05T19:15:03 adrianS: thanks principally to lcp (with me helping a bit) we now have scaffolding in freeipa 2020-05-05T19:15:13 King_InuYasha: it is not SLE maintained since we don't have enough maintainer power internal 2020-05-05T19:15:19 I worked on getting it ready 2020-05-05T19:15:20 yeah, yeah 2020-05-05T19:15:26 and it is getting backported to the next freeipa 4.8 release and obviously 4.9 2020-05-05T19:15:27 As a general recommendation: Don't run into timeouts, find alternate comms (means of comms or contacts). 2020-05-05T19:15:31 so we just had the chance to employ new people for it or to buy in support 2020-05-05T19:15:42 freeipa actually was rejected in the internal evaluation 2020-05-05T19:15:46 adrianS: ^ 2020-05-05T19:15:54 for technical reasons 2020-05-05T19:16:00 well, not technical rejected, it was a support topic in first place 2020-05-05T19:16:14 so we actually looked at it 2020-05-05T19:16:19 gp_: actually, we didn't really know who to contact either 2020-05-05T19:16:32 lcp: in doubt the board 2020-05-05T19:16:40 we definitely talked to the board 2020-05-05T19:16:42 they knew 2020-05-05T19:16:44 we really only got jdsn after kl_eisbaer pointed at them 2020-05-05T19:16:56 * adrianS did spoke also with the old board about IDM system last year just for the record ;) 2020-05-05T19:18:02 clearly I should have asked rb about it too >:D 2020-05-05T19:18:04 but frankly, in the current situation, I would like to stay away for the past anlyses and like to find what we do now to rescue the situation in first place 2020-05-05T19:18:32 lcp: I've been handling a load of (MF) IT related escalations the last seven months, cboltz felt some pity for me. That one did not come up as one. 2020-05-05T19:18:34 afterwards one can do a better critic with some distance .... 2020-05-05T19:18:59 Yeah, and it's not I am asking for more escalations. :) 2020-05-05T19:19:00 lcp: and sorry again, that question hit when I was too busy because we were under high pressure - I still have hundreds of unread mails ;) 2020-05-05T19:19:20 at least concretely, what we can do is set up an sso.opensuse.org instance talking to UCS 2020-05-05T19:19:36 and move all the apps on openSUSE side to sso.opensuse.org 2020-05-05T19:19:39 yeah, I still have the virtue of being able to respond to my emails in under 10 seconds :P 2020-05-05T19:19:52 lcp: we can hire you. would make that problem go away ;) 2020-05-05T19:19:58 * King_InuYasha has almost 100 folders and filters so that he can respond quickly 2020-05-05T19:19:58 lucky you ;) 2020-05-05T19:20:04 jdsn: bmwiedemann: when do you think you can have sso.opensuse.org running with ucs? 2020-05-05T19:20:21 I also filter, I did not even count the unread in the folders ;) 2020-05-05T19:20:24 I will count that as the second time I was asked to work for SUSE darix even if it was a joke :P 2020-05-05T19:20:41 * King_InuYasha is actually amazed lcp doesn't work for SUSE at this point 2020-05-05T19:20:55 tbh: we need to focus on the internal services next week 2020-05-05T19:20:56 But let's take Redtigra up on her offer last week and/or use me (in case it is needed - no hurt feelings if not ;-). 2020-05-05T19:21:02 somewhen after bugzilla and OBS switch? 2020-05-05T19:21:11 but after that we can find out whats needed to make it happen 2020-05-05T19:21:24 bmwiedemann: moving the vhost to you is relatively easy 2020-05-05T19:21:33 we wouldn't move the vhost 2020-05-05T19:21:39 there'd be no point 2020-05-05T19:22:11 it would need access to our DMZ though 2020-05-05T19:22:22 jdsn: yeah, that's the tricky bit 2020-05-05T19:22:30 or it could be routed externally 2020-05-05T19:22:39 King_InuYasha: what would run on sso.opensuse.org ? 2020-05-05T19:22:43 ipsilon 2020-05-05T19:23:01 ipsilon is not strictly tied to freeipa 2020-05-05T19:23:11 ic 2020-05-05T19:23:13 it's _easiest_ with it, but it can work with generic ldap and krb5 2020-05-05T19:23:15 King_InuYasha: last year you told me that ipsilon requires freeipa 2020-05-05T19:23:36 that's before puiterwijk told me how to do it without freeipa 2020-05-05T19:23:56 and that would allow us to actually set up our own applications instead of having to ask you for it :P 2020-05-05T19:23:56 it's much more annoying and manual, and some features go away, but it works 2020-05-05T19:24:28 King_InuYasha: JFYI: UCS comes with konnect ( https://github.com/Kopano-dev/konnect ) so it could do openid too 2020-05-05T19:24:33 problem would be (maybe) that this vhost would need to be under exclusive control of eng-infra team 2020-05-05T19:24:44 konnect does not do openid 2020-05-05T19:24:45 because you could sniff passwords there, right? 2020-05-05T19:24:57 adrianS: not with https 2020-05-05T19:25:03 King_InuYasha: you could in the app. 2020-05-05T19:25:04 :) 2020-05-05T19:25:17 yes 2020-05-05T19:25:24 and UCS has saml 2020-05-05T19:25:36 yes it is openid connect. to be exact. 2020-05-05T19:25:38 darix: you better not be suggesting we make all the contributors for all the third party apps made by _not us_ to port away from regular openid? 2020-05-05T19:25:46 openid connect != openid 2020-05-05T19:25:54 completely different protocol 2020-05-05T19:26:00 i am aware 2020-05-05T19:26:06 and UCS could have all that you contribute to it, they are developing it openly on github.com and very welcome PRs 2020-05-05T19:26:13 that is understood, bmwiedemann is therefore working on openid (not connect) 2020-05-05T19:26:43 jdsn: I am one of the maintainers for ipsilon itself upstream, why would I also do that?! 2020-05-05T19:27:11 why shouldn't you? 2020-05-05T19:27:16 I don't have time :) 2020-05-05T19:27:21 if ipsilon does openid, we might also be able to use that. 2020-05-05T19:27:35 it definitely does, most fedora apps are openid 2020-05-05T19:27:46 it could save time to maintain a separate VM though if it was supported natively - right? 2020-05-05T19:28:00 jdsn: are you asking me to package ipsilon for debian? 2020-05-05T19:28:09 because if you are, I guess I can do that, as irritating as that would be 2020-05-05T19:28:16 no, that hint was not specifically for you ;) 2020-05-05T19:28:40 and Univention is open to work with us on running their product on SUSE as well 2020-05-05T19:28:54 bmwiedemann: fedora uses primarily openid and openidc, with saml being used for bugzilla 2020-05-05T19:28:56 That, by the way, would be really cool. 2020-05-05T19:29:00 then we could use your package directly ;) 2020-05-05T19:29:08 *nods* 2020-05-05T19:29:13 Both openSUSE and SLE. :) 2020-05-05T19:29:49 bmwiedemann: maybe you could try to get ipsilon running with ucs ... and maybe King_InuYasha could give you some hints if you struggle? :) 2020-05-05T19:29:56 sure 2020-05-05T19:30:00 I like bmwiedemann :) 2020-05-05T19:30:23 King_InuYasha: I guess he has many fans 2020-05-05T19:30:25 he makes git repos for opensuse packages 2020-05-05T19:30:29 that makes me a fan of him 2020-05-05T19:30:43 he does :) 2020-05-05T19:30:53 aha that's why you dont ask me about that anymore! 2020-05-05T19:31:01 :-) 2020-05-05T19:31:01 thats why I sit next to him in the office ;) 2020-05-05T19:31:29 well, as far as I'm aware the office doesn't exist anymore due to covid 2020-05-05T19:31:36 :'( 2020-05-05T19:31:46 lcp: the office exists! we are just hiding elsewhere :P 2020-05-05T19:31:51 its still there: I can prove :) 2020-05-05T19:31:52 the nuremburg office is quite nice too 2020-05-05T19:31:56 but its pretty empty 2020-05-05T19:31:59 my visit there was pleasant 2020-05-05T19:33:07 jdsn: I'd like for us to be able to go with our original timeline of splitting the accounts by August/September 2020-05-05T19:33:21 that's a lot less panicky and we can be methodical about the integration work 2020-05-05T19:33:28 King_InuYasha: are you really really sure that everyone really wants that? 2020-05-05T19:33:51 does it make sense to split before there is an openSUSE foundation? 2020-05-05T19:34:00 well, do you want to maintain connect? >:P 2020-05-05T19:34:06 not sure if in that timeline all technical details can be sorted out, but well you can try :) 2020-05-05T19:34:09 bmwiedemann: yes, because then we don't have legal chaos on top of the splitting part 2020-05-05T19:34:16 lcp: we can kill connect without freeipa 2020-05-05T19:34:32 and also, I'd like to see that really many many people want that split 2020-05-05T19:34:40 ... after they understood the implications 2020-05-05T19:34:43 we can't if we don't have an alternative to connect 2020-05-05T19:34:43 we can even do that member group in UCS 2020-05-05T19:34:56 and email aliases? 2020-05-05T19:35:05 and viewable profiles? 2020-05-05T19:35:08 so you're asking us to write a new app for managing the self-service portal then 2020-05-05T19:35:13 lcp: we dont really need our own social network 2020-05-05T19:35:14 because that piece *does* require FreeIPA 2020-05-05T19:35:27 Is it fair to say that for the next months the two top priorities are: 2020-05-05T19:35:27 no 2020-05-05T19:35:40 1. Survive (in various meanings of that) 2020-05-05T19:35:47 2. Get away from Micro Focus IT? 2020-05-05T19:35:58 the *only* thing the we should preserve from connect is membership handling 2020-05-05T19:36:07 we do not need our own social network 2020-05-05T19:36:09 * cboltz would even do that in reverse order 2020-05-05T19:36:18 :) 2020-05-05T19:36:41 I am curious what to do with links to https://www.suse.com/selfreg/jsp/createOpenSuseAccount.jsp?login=Sign+up 2020-05-05T19:36:49 since we have a few places that do link there 2020-05-05T19:36:53 lcp: UCS comes with self mgmt? 2020-05-05T19:37:09 so we point the links to that 2020-05-05T19:37:10 UCS will offer a self registration tool 2020-05-05T19:37:12 I'm sorry: here is someone waiting for his bedtime story since an hour... King_InuYasha: your machine is up and running: ssh root@fedora-freeipa.infra.opensuse.org should work for you and lcp. As usual: no Salt, no other stuff done (beside basic services setup and updates installed). 2020-05-05T19:37:19 kl_eisbaer: thanks :) 2020-05-05T19:37:20 it does, I know 2020-05-05T19:37:26 lcp: there will be a new self service portal behind idp-portal.suse.com IIRC 2020-05-05T19:37:34 bye 2020-05-05T19:37:41 kl_eisbaer: your work is appreciated :D 2020-05-05T19:37:44 lcp: for creating, editing, password change/reset 2020-05-05T19:37:47 where do we link NOW tho 2020-05-05T19:38:02 adrianS: and memberships? groups? identity linkage? 2020-05-05T19:38:17 are _those_ parts also self-service? 2020-05-05T19:38:24 https://www.microfocus.com/selfreg/jsp/createOpenSuseAccount.jsp stopped working, since the form requires more than it has fields 2020-05-05T19:38:28 where do we link 2020-05-05T19:38:41 idp-portal.suse.com 2020-05-05T19:38:48 lcp: It might become https://idp-portal.suse.com/univention/self-service 2020-05-05T19:38:51 but that's down 2020-05-05T19:38:57 yep, not there yet 2020-05-05T19:39:14 I assume people just don't create accounts rn? 2020-05-05T19:39:14 some firewall bits need to be sorted out still 2020-05-05T19:39:24 but it will be there before the weekend 2020-05-05T19:39:57 lcp: that would be actually good, because then our diff dump is empty ;) 2020-05-05T19:40:08 that seems like a very rocky move compared to how we wanted to do this :/ 2020-05-05T19:40:12 And for some time we will have https://idp-migrate.opensuse.org to be able to set the new password via the old one 2020-05-05T19:40:22 but that is temporary 2020-05-05T19:40:28 well, you can't sign up to any openSUSE infra at the moment 2020-05-05T19:40:46 lcp: understood, only MF-IT can fix that :/ 2020-05-05T19:40:48 which sure is great, and sure doesn't generate us a lot of emails and questions in support chats 2020-05-05T19:41:07 it is not wanted, we are prepared for importing further accounts 2020-05-05T19:41:23 * adrianS heard the first time here about it 2020-05-05T19:41:59 it is a ticket in opensuse-admin on progress 2020-05-05T19:42:15 but as jdsn said, if we have the portal running until end of the week, people can create at least new accounts for the services which switch over .... 2020-05-05T19:42:40 so when do we switch over with login proxies then 2020-05-05T19:42:42 lcp: hm, someone (a suse employee) needs to make a MF-IT ticket out of it most likely... 2020-05-05T19:43:01 since we will have to change links to registration pages 2020-05-05T19:43:07 everywhere 2020-05-05T19:43:30 right 2020-05-05T19:43:59 and we can not do a redirect .... hm, maybe we should create a single instance already? 2020-05-05T19:44:00 at least we know where, since we are somewhat prepared already >:D 2020-05-05T19:44:22 I mean we could adapt the links already and point to eg. idp.opensuse.org/register 2020-05-05T19:44:36 and redirect from the to microfocus for now 2020-05-05T19:44:49 but we can switch to the new side with one change there 2020-05-05T19:44:53 later 2020-05-05T19:45:19 so we could already prepare for it and do not need to wait... 2020-05-05T19:45:23 alright, sounds good 2020-05-05T19:45:34 given that the MF registration page is broken, maybe better redirect to a "sorry" page... 2020-05-05T19:45:50 or that ... 2020-05-05T19:46:16 it's less disappointing than filling a form, and then getting an error message saying that you didn't fill non-existing fields 2020-05-05T19:46:52 hm, okay, who should build up that vhost? 2020-05-05T19:46:57 (but then, maybe someone is smart enough to live-edit the form in firefox, add those fields, and register? ;-) 2020-05-05T19:47:09 * adrianS is able to do redirections but unable to do a nice web page :) 2020-05-05T19:47:12 adrianS: it needs to be on the non hero side? 2020-05-05T19:47:21 darix: does not matter 2020-05-05T19:47:48 adrianS: well you can even do it on haproxy itself 2020-05-05T19:48:05 you can, I can not :) 2020-05-05T19:48:59 I will teach you! 2020-05-05T19:49:03 * adrianS won't be able to stay for much longer without being killed .... 2020-05-05T19:49:31 okay, so, for some conclusion 2020-05-05T19:49:31 the latter would not make you stay either ;) 2020-05-05T19:51:08 well, if no one else want's to do it, but everyone says it is a good idea to have it. I can do it on login proxies directly 2020-05-05T19:51:25 and drop a mail to admin mailing list, so that all services can be adapted 2020-05-05T19:51:32 is that a plan? 2020-05-05T19:51:57 +1 2020-05-05T19:52:13 who would use it? ;) 2020-05-05T19:52:56 adrianS: I guess, the both of us are alone here :) 2020-05-05T19:53:02 sorry, need to leave .... if you want me to do it, please drop me a mail. 2020-05-05T19:53:04 still here 2020-05-05T19:53:25 good evening 2020-05-05T19:53:31 CU 2020-05-05T19:55:19 I'll be around for a few minutes before I have to leave 2020-05-05T19:55:24 I need to get some sleep as well. Will try ipsilon soon. 2020-05-05T19:55:31 ok 2020-05-05T19:55:56 so back to moderator cboltz 2020-05-05T19:56:01 thanks for the discussion and great to meet you all 2020-05-05T19:56:12 leaving too 2020-05-05T19:56:40 I hope you all will also join the next meetings ;-) 2020-05-05T19:57:50 so - do we have more things to discuss? 2020-05-05T20:00:21 Hardware requests from the heroes? 2020-05-05T20:00:38 Not as in "let's discuss this here and now", but a reminder that since 2020-05-05T20:01:00 the heroes meeting in November I haven't seen a list yet, and while times 2020-05-05T20:01:34 right now are not easy (COVID-19 and such), I suggest you work on this and share. 2020-05-05T20:02:16 I know that Lars started to work on it (I've even seen a very rough draft), but he was probably side-tracked by other work 2020-05-05T20:03:09 I wouldn't be surprised if he's still busy with carveout stuff, so I'm not sure if reminding him _now_ makes sense 2020-05-05T20:06:31 thanks all, need back to sleep, 2020-05-05T20:06:36 good morning 2020-05-05T20:07:33 good night ;-) 2020-05-05T20:09:26 I guess I could mention creating the list of the maintainer of various openSUSE applications that fall outside of heroes 2020-05-05T20:09:41 * I guess I could mention creating the list of the maintainers of various openSUSE applications that fall outside of heroes 2020-05-05T20:10:01 since I had to contact some of them about some stuff as you might know 2020-05-05T20:10:47 right, good idea 2020-05-05T20:11:15 *** txfux[muted][m] is now known as txfux[muted][not 2020-05-05T20:11:36 cboltz: Yes, understood, but it's been half a year now, and at one point there may be a (SUSE) budget exercise coming up. 2020-05-05T20:12:26 lcp: since you now know the first people, just start that list in the admin wiki - and feel free to use questionmarks if you don't know the people for some services 2020-05-05T20:13:16 gp_: from what I remember, this might become a case of "be careful with your wishes" ;-) 2020-05-05T20:15:30 basically the idea was 3 big servers (1 TB RAM) + Netapp for storage (rotating rust for download.o.o, SSDs for everything else) - ideally at multiple locations, not only in NBG 2020-05-05T20:16:02 no idea what this means money-wise, my computers are typically a bit ;-) cheaper :-P 2020-05-05T20:17:21 sure 2020-05-05T20:18:21 I do wonder what's the unknown with the budget though 2020-05-05T20:19:08 because this might become a bigger deal with foundation I assume 2020-05-05T20:20:13 I hope that's one of the reasons why gp_ asks for it *now* ;-) 2020-05-05T20:21:33 so that he can make Mexico^WSUSE pay for it 2020-05-05T20:25:16 lcp: JFYI: my recommendation in the past was ... membership is a project in progress. tickets for evaluation are in that 2020-05-05T20:25:29 and the email aliases could be just a text file in gitlab.i.o.o 2020-05-05T21:09:27 darix: we considered it 2020-05-05T21:09:57 it might be how we go about memberships too 2020-05-05T23:28:02 lcp, missed the meeting... anyway, is there an idea/process coming to stand up the forums and have something to login with in a few weeks? 2020-05-05T23:32:02 actually, let me ssh and setup login with proxy 2020-05-05T23:32:49 since our system is delayed for a while :P 2020-05-05T23:45:47 lcp, thanks :) Do you have an idea on the process Forum users need to follow once the new vB instance is stood up? 2020-05-05T23:46:32 I don't know, I think with any accounts system questions I will have to forward you to SUSE for the next few months 2020-05-05T23:47:50 lcp, that is probably good in that most Forum users would have done a password reset today with SUSE 2020-05-05T23:48:12 *** M--msunface--[m4 is now known as M--msunface--179 2020-05-05T23:48:17 aside from the ones that haven't logged in since 2018