2020-03-08T00:32:56 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 51 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-03-08T01:22:55 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=45 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-03-08T01:36:55 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 55 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-03-08T03:07:37 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2020-03-08T09:05:12 cboltz: the exported data is in the standard mysqldump format, CREATE TABLE with CHARSET=latin1 2020-03-08T09:17:25 it is possible I did create the problem myself by using default charset utf8mb4 on the CREATE DATABASE. 2020-03-08T09:18:20 I think I'll try another import+upgrade, but leave everything as latin1. 2020-03-08T13:41:28 it will be worth doing someday, although it will probably be easier if the data matches the overall encoding of the database 2020-03-08T13:41:56 worth doing re-encoding to utf8 that is 2020-03-08T14:02:59 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: MySQL WSREP recv on galera3.infra.opensuse.org - CRIT wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg = 277.806645 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=galera3.infra.opensuse.org&service=MySQL%20WSREP%20recv 2020-03-08T14:03:22 lcp: I have tried converting all tables to utf8mb4, but some complained about duplicate keys. 2020-03-08T14:04:03 ugh, that sucks 2020-03-08T14:04:32 right now, I've completed a 2nd import+upgrade, much faster on stand-alone mysql. 2020-03-08T14:04:56 if I use client charset=latin1, the pages display okay, but the links are wrong. 2020-03-08T14:06:31 if I use client charset=utf8mb4, the pages display wrong, but the links work 2020-03-08T14:12:12 did you try re-encode latin1 imported database to utf-8? 2020-03-08T14:13:33 because if the encoding matches the tables now, it should be easier to re-encode in different encoding 2020-03-08T14:13:50 (and maybe won't cause overlap in keys) 2020-03-08T14:16:29 pjessen: to start with, I'd like to look at the database dump (to replace guesses with knownledge ;-) - can you point me to it? 2020-03-08T14:17:31 also, when you converted to utf8mb4, was the complaint really about "duplicate keys"? My guess would be a complaint about the "index lengtht" 2020-03-08T14:21:22 it seems that the wildcard dns entry for opensuse.org was removed 2020-03-08T14:30:49 pjessen, could this conversion of the charset be done by the MF guy before exporting? 2020-03-08T14:32:16 pjessen, AFAIK, since we have a vB license you could ask their (as in vB) support for help 2020-03-08T14:33:12 cboltz, lcp ^^ 2020-03-08T14:34:41 it could be done by them, but I think they don't owe us much of anything in their view ;) 2020-03-08T14:35:41 lcp, a little bit harsh.... ;) I'm sure they would help 2020-03-08T14:35:53 lcp: IMHO they owe us a *big* pain compensation (for various reasons) ;-) 2020-03-08T14:36:17 but nevertheless, I'd avoid everything that could delay the migration 2020-03-08T14:37:04 cboltz: on forum.o.o, in /home/pjessen 2020-03-08T14:37:29 cboltz: no, it was duplicate keys - due to the collation changing. 2020-03-08T14:38:12 that's... surprising 2020-03-08T14:39:31 malcolmlewis: I'm sure we could ask vB for support, but I'm not yet sure what to ask :-) 2020-03-08T14:41:23 "can someone help with this migration and upgrade?" 2020-03-08T14:41:24 ;-) 2020-03-08T14:42:12 pjessen, what cboltz said, worth a shot? 2020-03-08T14:42:19 "my house is on fire, please call 112" 2020-03-08T14:43:00 malcolmlewis: nah, I prefer asking intelligent questions. better chance of also receiving an intelligent reply :-) 2020-03-08T14:43:55 cboltz: the file is called webforums_2002something.xz 2020-03-08T14:44:04 yeah, I've already found it 2020-03-08T14:44:27 the question should be "how do you expect the users of 4.x to reencode their database to utf8mb4 before migration to 5.x" 2020-03-08T14:44:40 because clearly this worked for 4.x in some way 2020-03-08T14:45:33 pjessen, there are some scripts here: https://forum.vbulletin.com/forum/vbulletin-5-connect/vbulletin-5-connect-questions-problems-troubleshooting/vbulletin-5-support-issues-questions/4403164-database-question-regarding-collation-latin1-vs-utf8-vs-utf8mb4 2020-03-08T14:45:55 maybe it "accidently" worked, but this accident depends on the server settings (like connection charset etc.) 2020-03-08T14:46:12 sometimes even "crap in, crap out" works if both ways are equally crappy ;-) 2020-03-08T14:46:18 yup. looking at forums.o.o, they serve everything in utf8. 2020-03-08T14:48:12 interesting 2020-03-08T14:48:43 those scripts also look mighty interesting ;) 2020-03-08T14:49:25 pjessen, I would login and check we have support, then ask the same sort of question? 2020-03-08T14:49:52 I had better take a look then. 2020-03-08T14:50:13 pjessen, might be easier i the long run? 2020-03-08T14:50:19 i/in 2020-03-08T14:50:19 those scripts actually look like something that could fix the issue 2020-03-08T14:51:27 there are two scripts for utf-8 there, utf8table fix and update vb5 tables to innodb and utf8 2020-03-08T14:51:38 looks like my crap in, crap out theory wasn't too wrong 2020-03-08T14:51:49 all CREATE TABLE statements use latin1 2020-03-08T14:52:01 but it seems the database content is utf8 encoded 2020-03-08T14:52:13 wew 2020-03-08T14:52:18 (for example, search for "N�rnberg" and pipe that line into "file" 2020-03-08T14:52:41 cboltz: interesting - the forums link malcolm sent says otherwise. 2020-03-08T14:52:45 (checked in the vb_event table, but I'd be surprised if other tables differ) 2020-03-08T14:53:26 my guess is that the connection charset (between PHP and mysql) was set incorrectly 2020-03-08T14:53:36 I can rerun the import+upgrade in about 3 hours now, maybe it's worth a try creating the tables as utf8. 2020-03-08T14:54:05 cboltz: the client charset you mean? 2020-03-08T14:54:18 indeed, replacing DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 with DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 in (a copy of) the dump is worth a try 2020-03-08T14:54:26 yes, client charset 2020-03-08T14:55:14 that one is easily done, the import only takes about 30-40min 2020-03-08T14:56:51 be careful when doing the replacement, it seems like some table content also contains DEFAULT CHARSET 2020-03-08T14:57:26 sed '/^)/ s/DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1/DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8/' should work (note the /^)/ part) 2020-03-08T14:58:55 already running 2020-03-08T15:24:25 cboltz: nice trick with /^)/ 2020-03-08T15:25:49 I'm still trying to figure out how that works 2020-03-08T15:27:22 lcp: I read it to mean "for lines matching ^), do the next cmd" 2020-03-08T15:27:44 lcp: the /^)/ sets the range sed works on (in this case: does the s/../../ replacement) 2020-03-08T15:28:10 /^)/ is basically the regex ^) - lines starting with ) 2020-03-08T15:28:53 regexes are not the only thing you can use 2020-03-08T15:29:04 oh, interesting 2020-03-08T15:29:07 for example 1,5 s/x/y/ will replace x with y in lines 1..5 2020-03-08T15:31:16 hmm, looks like we still have charset problems, for example Ank�?ndigungen und Neues directly on the front page and several similar issues in the topic titles if you enter this subforum, and also in the content there 2020-03-08T15:31:33 at least it seems to be consistently broken ;-) 2020-03-08T15:31:53 I haven't changed anything yet 2020-03-08T15:32:01 ah, ok 2020-03-08T15:32:50 tell me when you have ;-) 2020-03-08T15:32:55 the database import is running, after that I'll do another upgrade, which will take 2h20m 2020-03-08T15:32:58 cboltz: willdo 2020-03-08T16:27:57 cboltz: you might recognize this https://planet-test.kde.org/ >:D 2020-03-08T16:28:21 Carl from KDE got inspired by our planet-test and reused it 😁 2020-03-08T16:29:04 :-) 2020-03-08T16:44:51 speaking about planet-test.o.o 2020-03-08T16:45:06 - can we have rss20.xml (which the current planet.o.o uses) instead of atom.xml? 2020-03-08T16:45:19 - besides that, is there anything that stops us from switching over? 2020-03-08T16:49:35 cboltz: there is rss20.xml 2020-03-08T16:49:40 it's just not visible 2020-03-08T16:49:55 :-) 2020-03-08T16:50:24 so nothing is stopping me tbh 2020-03-08T16:51:08 so switching is just a haproxy config change away 2020-03-08T16:51:33 just tell me when you want it switched ;-) 2020-03-08T16:51:43 yup 2020-03-08T16:54:55 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 63 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-03-08T17:04:56 -heroes-bot- RECOVERY: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS OK: DB postgres total=48 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-03-08T17:11:26 i think the database import is working this time, I see Nürnberg in vb_event. 2020-03-08T17:16:04 nice 2020-03-08T17:17:58 I still see some broken umlauts - is the import already complete, or still running? 2020-03-08T17:18:55 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: PSQL locks on mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org - POSTGRES_LOCKS CRITICAL: DB postgres total locks: 50 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mirrordb1.infra.opensuse.org&service=PSQL%20locks 2020-03-08T17:28:24 import is still running, I had to restart due to table full. F* - just happened again. after 56mins. 2020-03-08T17:28:50 nice :-/ 2020-03-08T17:29:11 there is plenty of space, I dont understand 2020-03-08T17:29:29 what's the exact error message? 2020-03-08T17:30:11 ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 8222: the table 'vb_session' is fulll. (not copy&paste) 2020-03-08T17:30:21 same place is stopped on the 1st attempt. 2020-03-08T17:30:30 exact same place 2020-03-08T17:33:12 https://bobcares.com/blog/error-1114-hy000-the-table-is-full/ 2020-03-08T17:33:43 try adjusting/increasing innodb_data_file_path 2020-03-08T17:34:08 (and use innodb_file_per_table if it isn't set already) 2020-03-08T17:35:21 cboltz: already set, its the default. 2020-03-08T17:36:44 cboltz: innodb_data_file_path isn't set at all. 2020-03-08T17:37:54 so - the question is, why does the change to using default charset utf8mb4 make such a difference??? 2020-03-08T17:38:24 check show variables like 'innodb_data_%'; for the current value 2020-03-08T17:39:07 utf8mb4 needs (AFAIK) 4 bytes per char, which means varchar(255) needs 4*255 = 1020 bytes 2020-03-08T17:39:29 utf8 "only" needs 2 or 3 bytes (not sure) per char 2020-03-08T17:39:45 4mb, as the name implies ;) 2020-03-08T17:40:33 innodb_data_file_path = 12M autoextend 2020-03-08T17:41:55 i think utf8mb4 means it'll support up to 4 bytes per char, just like utf8 will do 2 or 3. 2020-03-08T17:42:53 utf8 ~= utf8mb3 2020-03-08T17:43:16 right, but utf8mb4 also uses more space (4*255, even if you only store ascii in such a field) on disk and (worse) in the index length 2020-03-08T17:44:05 I guess the disk could have run full whilst I wasn't watching. 2020-03-08T17:45:10 I think I'll shut down thr webserver, drop the last webforums database, and try importing again. 2020-03-08T17:47:11 good idea, and maybe only use utf8 as encoding, not utf8mb4 (at least for now) 2020-03-08T17:49:40 cboltz: hmm. vb does expect/recommend mb4, but I should be able to force it to utf8., 2020-03-08T17:50:41 well, for the import, use utf8 2020-03-08T17:50:49 you can convert it later 2020-03-08T17:51:08 true 2020-03-08T17:52:15 right, have restarted the import. 2020-03-08T18:54:54 aarg. after 57min, all space cleared, using utf8 instead of utf8mb4, I still got a "table is full". the filesystem is 29% full. 2020-03-08T18:55:13 getting a little frustrated now. 2020-03-08T18:56:22 nice :-/ 2020-03-08T18:57:06 same line again? 2020-03-08T18:58:13 just as a wild idea - could this be caused by LOCK TABLES? 2020-03-08T18:58:56 grep -v "^LOCK TABLES" $dump might be worth a try (note the ^ to avoid false matches) 2020-03-08T18:59:51 cboltz: line 8223 this time 2020-03-08T19:00:14 oh, you are making progress ;-) 2020-03-08T19:00:22 cboltz: slap! 2020-03-08T19:00:47 pjessen, raise a request with vB.... 2020-03-08T19:00:50 both lines are INSERT INTO `vb_session` ... so the progress is a bit limited 2020-03-08T19:01:38 malcolmlewis: yes, maybe. I just have to keep going - they're not fast to respond. 2020-03-08T19:02:32 I'd tend to ask mariadb upstream - importing a sql dump is not really vB specific 2020-03-08T19:02:51 as a sidenote: lines 8222 and 8223 are both ~1 MB long 2020-03-08T19:02:58 it is difficult to imagine a 2.5Gb database growing to 30Gb just because of a charset change 2020-03-08T19:03:44 the temporary mysql server has more than enough disk space IMHO - no need to worry about that 2020-03-08T19:05:24 oh lol, it took me way too long to notice it was the next line 2020-03-08T19:40:44 I wonder if may I should just leave vb_session as Latin1 ...... 2020-03-08T19:51:53 wait - vb_session - sounds like temporary data anyway? 2020-03-08T20:04:07 pjessen: it is apparently 2020-03-08T20:35:56 even if it's temporary data - if restoring a database from a sqldump fails, then something is completely wrong :-( 2020-03-08T20:49:18 true 2020-03-08T21:53:23 -heroes-bot- PROBLEM: MySQL WSREP recv on galera2.infra.opensuse.org - CRIT wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg = 108.990422 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=galera2.infra.opensuse.org&service=MySQL%20WSREP%20recv 2020-03-08T22:30:55 pjessen: just noticed an interesting detail: CREATE TABLE vb_session [...] ENGINE=MEMORY 2020-03-08T22:31:09 with this engine, you probably really can drop the INSERTs ;-) 2020-03-08T22:38:46 the documentation says that increasing max_heap_table_size might help 2020-03-08T22:40:13 as a sidenote - there are 3 MEMORY tables 2020-03-08T23:15:58 pjessen: seems the documentation is right - after increasing max_heap_table_size on my laptop, the import seems to work (still running) 2020-03-08T23:16:19 I adjusted the config on forumsoo_temp.i.o.o, see /etc/my.cnf.d/memory_table_size.cnf 2020-03-08T23:56:59 a test import on my laptop just aborted after an hour with 2020-03-08T23:57:04 ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 9085: Duplicate entry 'men�' for key 'tagtext' 2020-03-08T23:57:15 command used: 2020-03-08T23:57:33 sed '/^)/ s/DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1/DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8/' < webforums_200224_updated.dmp.sql | sed '/^)/ s/ ENGINE=MyISAM/ ENGINE=InnoDB/' | mysql forum 2020-03-08T23:58:34 on the positive side, I didn't hit the "table is full" error anymore (after increasing max_heap_table_size)