2018-03-21T01:14:04 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T01:58:27 *** plinnell has quit IRC 2018-03-21T02:49:37 *** cthugha has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T02:52:27 *** ldevulder has quit IRC 2018-03-21T02:54:01 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T03:05:46 *** Fraser_Bell has quit IRC 2018-03-21T03:11:47 *** okurz has quit IRC 2018-03-21T03:12:17 *** okurz_ has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T03:12:24 *** okurz_ is now known as okurz 2018-03-21T03:31:03 *** Fraser_Bell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T03:31:03 *** Fraser_Bell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T03:33:24 openSUSE Heroes: Is your list of 2018-03-21T03:33:42 Team members up to date? https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Heroes#Members 2018-03-21T03:37:23 *** Fraser_Bell has quit IRC 2018-03-21T04:11:05 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-21T04:20:01 *** lcp has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T04:21:51 *** lcp_ has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T04:25:13 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-21T04:25:13 *** lcp_ is now known as lcp 2018-03-21T06:28:26 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-21T06:28:56 *** lcp has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T07:11:35 *** asmorodskyi has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T07:19:58 *** cthugha is now known as ldevulder 2018-03-21T07:49:45 *** asmorodskyi has quit IRC 2018-03-21T08:19:56 PROBLEM: SSH on rpmlint.infra.opensuse.org - SSH CRITICAL - OpenSSH_7.2 (protocol 2.0) version mismatch, expected OpenSSH_6.6.1 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=rpmlint.infra.opensuse.org&service=SSH 2018-03-21T08:23:27 *** asmorodskyi has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T08:39:41 PROBLEM: Hosts syslog on monitor.infra.opensuse.org - CRITICAL: Found files older than 600 minutes /var/log/opensuse/hosts//wikisearch.log was last modified on Mon Mar 19 23:00:02 2018 ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=monitor.infra.opensuse.org&service=Hosts%20syslog 2018-03-21T08:52:40 *** sven15 has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T08:56:33 *** asmorodskyi has quit IRC 2018-03-21T08:59:18 *** matthias_bgg has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T10:02:20 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-21T10:05:57 *** lcp has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T10:12:31 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-21T10:21:10 *** lcp has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T11:13:12 *** cboltz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T11:15:09 *** asmorodskyi has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T11:26:05 *** maxlin has quit IRC 2018-03-21T11:51:44 *** maxlin has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T12:01:50 tampakrap: just curious - what's the reason for installing command-not-found everywhere? 2018-03-21T12:03:02 it is really useful 2018-03-21T12:03:51 I tend to agree when it comes to my laptop, but would have thought otherwise on servers ;-) 2018-03-21T12:04:30 on servers there are no missing commands? 2018-03-21T12:04:36 everything is installed? 2018-03-21T12:05:04 probably not, but typically I know which package provides the missing command - or simply do a rpm -qf on my laptop ;-) 2018-03-21T12:05:22 anyway, if it is useful for you, that's reason enough to install it ;-) 2018-03-21T12:08:55 we had it alredy installed actually, it got lost from the various config management migrations 2018-03-21T12:24:09 tampakrap: what about https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/33358 ? 2018-03-21T12:24:55 lnussel: ldap login should be fixed now on pontifex2, I added it like an hour ago to salt :) 2018-03-21T12:25:58 tampakrap: where do the home directories come from? 2018-03-21T12:26:11 they are auto-created on the first login 2018-03-21T12:26:19 ic 2018-03-21T12:26:26 it's an ldap login feature 2018-03-21T12:26:58 you can try to ssh with your account to pontifex2 to verify 2018-03-21T13:00:51 mine already has a user and ssh key :) 2018-03-21T13:01:35 you can remove the ssh key from there and add it to your ldap profile 2018-03-21T13:01:45 in freeipa.infra.opensuse.org 2018-03-21T13:06:39 *** cboltz has quit IRC 2018-03-21T13:11:34 ic 2018-03-21T13:19:47 *** malcolmlewis has quit IRC 2018-03-21T13:21:43 *** malcolmlewis has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T13:21:43 *** malcolmlewis has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T13:34:40 *** lcp_ has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T13:37:26 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-21T13:37:26 *** lcp_ is now known as lcp 2018-03-21T13:37:28 *** ldevulder has quit IRC 2018-03-21T13:37:55 *** ldevulder has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T13:38:36 *** ldevulder has quit IRC 2018-03-21T13:38:45 *** matthias_bgg has quit IRC 2018-03-21T13:51:25 *** matthias_bgg has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T14:24:52 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T14:24:52 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T15:08:30 *** plinnell has quit IRC 2018-03-21T15:23:50 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T15:23:50 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T15:35:50 *** lcp_ has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T15:38:30 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-21T15:38:30 *** lcp_ is now known as lcp 2018-03-21T16:09:22 *** sven15 has quit IRC 2018-03-21T16:24:48 *** asmorodskyi has quit IRC 2018-03-21T16:40:32 *** plinnell has quit IRC 2018-03-21T16:42:52 *** mcaj has quit IRC 2018-03-21T16:45:21 PROBLEM: NRPE on sarabi.infra.opensuse.org - connect to address port 5666: Connection refused ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=sarabi.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2018-03-21T16:45:48 *** ldevulder has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T17:00:36 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T17:00:36 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T17:30:18 *** cboltz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T17:46:46 *** fvogt has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T18:45:08 *** ldevulder has quit IRC 2018-03-21T19:05:09 *** plinnell_ has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T19:07:53 *** plinnell has quit IRC 2018-03-21T19:24:11 *** plinnell_ has quit IRC 2018-03-21T19:41:03 *** cboltz has quit IRC 2018-03-21T19:41:36 *** cboltz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T19:41:36 *** cboltz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T19:44:57 *** cboltz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T19:56:23 *** matthias_bgg has quit IRC 2018-03-21T20:00:02 PROBLEM: HAProxy on anna.infra.opensuse.org - HAPROXY CRITICAL - Active service dale is DOWN on dale proxy ! ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=anna.infra.opensuse.org&service=HAProxy 2018-03-21T20:00:04 PROBLEM: HAProxy on mufasa.infra.opensuse.org - HAPROXY CRITICAL - Active service riesling is DOWN on riesling proxy ! ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mufasa.infra.opensuse.org&service=HAProxy 2018-03-21T20:40:02 PROBLEM: HAProxy on elsa.infra.opensuse.org - HAPROXY CRITICAL - Active service dale is DOWN on dale proxy ! ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=elsa.infra.opensuse.org&service=HAProxy 2018-03-21T20:52:32 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-21T21:06:08 *** lcp has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T21:10:03 *** Fraser_Bell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T21:38:04 *** fvogt has quit IRC 2018-03-21T21:39:19 *** ldevulder has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T22:11:05 *** ldevulder has quit IRC 2018-03-21T22:48:47 *** cboltz has quit IRC 2018-03-21T23:28:46 *** plinnell_ has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T23:29:27 *** plinnell_ has quit IRC 2018-03-21T23:39:15 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T23:39:15 *** plinnell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-21T23:54:03 *** Fraser_Bell has quit IRC