2018-03-14T00:00:22 *** lcp has quit IRC 2018-03-14T00:11:57 *** dddh has quit IRC 2018-03-14T00:12:00 *** dddh_ has quit IRC 2018-03-14T00:12:02 *** dddh__ has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T00:12:14 *** dddh_ has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T00:38:37 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T01:38:37 *** Fraser_Bell has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T02:37:13 *** dddh__ is now known as dddh 2018-03-14T03:03:53 *** Fraser_Bell has quit IRC 2018-03-14T03:26:41 *** nicolasbock has quit IRC 2018-03-14T03:43:21 *** okurz has quit IRC 2018-03-14T03:46:01 *** okurz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T06:45:22 *** ancorgs has quit IRC 2018-03-14T06:46:05 *** ancorgs has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T07:29:37 *** matthias_bgg has quit IRC 2018-03-14T07:56:24 *** asmorodskyi has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T08:19:24 *** cthugha is now known as ldevulder 2018-03-14T08:22:29 *** Aksem has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T08:22:56 *** mcaj has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T08:23:45 *** lcp has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T08:51:56 *** matthias_bgg has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T09:21:46 *** sven15 has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T09:51:22 *** sysrich has quit IRC 2018-03-14T09:52:40 *** sysrich has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T10:25:02 *** nicolasbock has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T11:42:10 *** cboltz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T11:42:10 *** cboltz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T11:49:57 *** Aksem has quit IRC 2018-03-14T11:53:35 *** Son_Goku has quit IRC 2018-03-14T11:56:44 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T12:20:24 *** Son_Goku has quit IRC 2018-03-14T12:47:32 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T12:47:49 tampakrap: when do you have time to re-setup elections.o.o with a clean image? 2018-03-14T12:48:47 (the perfect answer would be "today" ;-) 2018-03-14T12:49:42 if you can do the pg_dump and shut down the machine now, I could do the dd next 2018-03-14T12:51:17 do you have the pg_dump parameters at hand, or should I read the manpage? ;-) 2018-03-14T12:51:41 RECOVERY: Hosts syslog on monitor.infra.opensuse.org - OK: Tested /var/log/opensuse/hosts/ - no files older than 240 minutes found ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=monitor.infra.opensuse.org&service=Hosts%20syslog 2018-03-14T12:53:58 pg_dump -d $db > $db.sql 2018-03-14T12:58:36 looks too boring to be true ;-) 2018-03-14T12:58:44 *** Son_Goku has quit IRC 2018-03-14T12:59:07 done, sarabi is currently shutting down 2018-03-14T13:01:01 while dd is running, please don't forget to create the 'helios' database in postgres 2018-03-14T13:13:08 I have to leave, I'll do the re-setup (basically a highstate run) tonight 2018-03-14T13:13:41 *** cboltz has quit IRC 2018-03-14T13:18:36 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T13:23:45 *** Son_Goku has quit IRC 2018-03-14T14:12:04 *** matthias_bgg has quit IRC 2018-03-14T14:26:41 *** matthias_bgg has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T14:36:18 -Fc option will make the dump a binary file and a lot smaller :D 2018-03-14T14:36:48 ah, he left :) 2018-03-14T14:58:46 *** sven15 has quit IRC 2018-03-14T14:59:46 *** sven15 has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T16:18:03 *** asmorodskyi has quit IRC 2018-03-14T16:37:36 *** Aksem has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T16:45:20 PROBLEM: NRPE on sarabi.infra.opensuse.org - connect to address port 5666: Connection refused ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=sarabi.infra.opensuse.org&service=NRPE 2018-03-14T16:52:34 *** mcaj has quit IRC 2018-03-14T17:16:03 *** sven15 has quit IRC 2018-03-14T17:28:57 *** cthugha has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T17:32:45 *** ldevulder has quit IRC 2018-03-14T17:33:23 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T17:39:27 *** Son_Goku has quit IRC 2018-03-14T17:46:11 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T17:49:18 *** cboltz has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T17:50:53 *** Son_Goku has quit IRC 2018-03-14T18:01:01 *** matthias_bgg has quit IRC 2018-03-14T18:06:30 PROBLEM: HTTP rsync.o.o on widehat.opensuse.org - CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=widehat.opensuse.org&service=HTTP%20rsync.o.o 2018-03-14T18:11:58 *** fvogt has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T18:56:28 RECOVERY: HTTP rsync.o.o on widehat.opensuse.org - HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 1217 bytes in 6.038 second response time ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=widehat.opensuse.org&service=HTTP%20rsync.o.o 2018-03-14T19:07:49 cboltz: I did the dd and the highstate 2018-03-14T19:07:53 and the db 2018-03-14T19:08:03 password is in the password-store repo 2018-03-14T19:22:00 *** fvogt has quit IRC 2018-03-14T19:28:01 *** fvogt has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T19:30:40 cboltz: apparmor.opensuse.org redirects to wrong part of apparmor wiki 2018-03-14T19:31:26 I know you are doing some stuff on apparmor, so I thought you might be interested 2018-03-14T19:33:18 lcp: thanks for the notice, I'll fix the redirect later 2018-03-14T19:35:32 tampakrap: thanks, but I get an ERROR: unexpected response from login query 2018-03-14T19:35:43 did you use the database password I put in salt? 2018-03-14T19:40:59 *** matthias_bgg has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T19:41:27 *** spyonthewall has quit IRC 2018-03-14T19:41:34 *** spyonthewall has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T19:44:44 ah no I used a new one 2018-03-14T19:44:52 how do I decrypt the one from salt? 2018-03-14T19:49:15 sed 's/^ *//' < pillar/secrets/role/web_elections.sls | gpg 2>/dev/null ; echo 2018-03-14T19:49:32 (gpg doesn't like leading whitespace) 2018-03-14T19:50:53 hmm, actually that file contains two secrets, but gpg shows only one :-( 2018-03-14T19:51:42 head -n80 pillar/secrets/role/web_elections.sls | sed 's/^ *//' | gpg 2>/dev/null ; echo 2018-03-14T19:51:49 gives you the one you need 2018-03-14T19:58:10 *** bmwiedemann2 has quit IRC 2018-03-14T20:02:05 *** matthias_bgg has quit IRC 2018-03-14T20:40:02 PROBLEM: HAProxy on elsa.infra.opensuse.org - HAPROXY CRITICAL - Active service dale is DOWN on dale proxy ! ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=elsa.infra.opensuse.org&service=HAProxy 2018-03-14T20:40:03 PROBLEM: HAProxy on anna.infra.opensuse.org - HAPROXY CRITICAL - Active service dale is DOWN on dale proxy ! ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=anna.infra.opensuse.org&service=HAProxy 2018-03-14T20:40:04 PROBLEM: HAProxy on mufasa.infra.opensuse.org - HAPROXY CRITICAL - Active service riesling is DOWN on riesling proxy ! ; See https://monitor.opensuse.org/icinga/cgi-bin/extinfo.cgi?type=2&host=mufasa.infra.opensuse.org&service=HAProxy 2018-03-14T20:57:10 cboltz: try it again plz 2018-03-14T20:58:12 still ERROR: unexpected response from login query 2018-03-14T20:59:47 what's the command you're trying? 2018-03-14T21:00:35 python manage.py syncdb 2018-03-14T21:00:47 that's the first step to initialize the database 2018-03-14T21:00:59 okay let's try first psql 2018-03-14T21:04:06 *** fvogt has quit IRC 2018-03-14T21:06:29 *** fvogt has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T21:16:40 I have no idea what I'm missing :/ 2018-03-14T21:16:56 I get the same error if I do 2018-03-14T21:16:58 psql 'postgresql://helios@postgresql.infra.opensuse.org/helios?sslmode=require' 2018-03-14T21:18:44 nice[tm] 2018-03-14T21:19:14 does the log on postgres show something more useful? 2018-03-14T21:21:01 I can log in from the proxy to the db master 2018-03-14T21:23:05 is pgbouncer involved in our setup? some googling shows it includes the exact error message in handle_auth_response() 2018-03-14T21:23:31 yes, that's the proxy 2018-03-14T21:26:35 cboltz: fixed 2018-03-14T21:26:45 you need to have sslmode require 2018-03-14T21:27:02 # Customizations for databases 2018-03-14T21:27:04 'OPTIONS': { 2018-03-14T21:27:06 'sslmode': 'require', 2018-03-14T21:27:08 # Uncomment for MySQL older than 5.7: 2018-03-14T21:27:10 # 'init_command': "SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'" 2018-03-14T21:27:12 }, 2018-03-14T21:27:14 that's from weblate 2018-03-14T21:31:11 where exactly do I need to add that? 2018-03-14T21:31:38 and what did you change to fix the database connection? (highstate test=True doesn't show a diff) 2018-03-14T21:32:34 in settings.py 2018-03-14T21:32:45 the problem was at the proxy 2018-03-14T21:32:57 there is an sql that needs to be loaded but I totally forgot 2018-03-14T21:33:04 guess who reminded me that 2018-03-14T21:37:04 no idea, the only thing I know is that it's not in salt ;-) 2018-03-14T21:37:41 now that you fixed it on the proxy, do I need to add that OPTIONS block? 2018-03-14T21:38:11 yes, those two things are irrelevant 2018-03-14T21:41:00 I guess the OPTIONS needs to be inside the DATABASES { default { section, right? 2018-03-14T21:41:12 yes 2018-03-14T21:41:35 you can see it on the weblate vm as well for confirmation 2018-03-14T21:53:08 *** fvogt has quit IRC 2018-03-14T21:55:24 hmm, is there a problem with gitlab? git push takes forever, and it also doesn't load in a browser 2018-03-14T22:00:05 nice... 2018-03-14T22:00:07 log writing failed. No space left on device @ io_write - /srv/www/vhosts/gitlab-ce/log/gitlab-shell.log 2018-03-14T22:01:25 damn 2018-03-14T22:01:27 can you fix it? 2018-03-14T22:08:29 nice, /srv/www/vhosts/gitlab-ce/log/ has 12 GB of logs 2018-03-14T22:08:41 and it looks they were never rotated 2018-03-14T22:09:14 the package should offer a logrotate file 2018-03-14T22:09:26 oh yes, it really should ;-) 2018-03-14T22:10:12 but as practise shows, it probably doesn't... 2018-03-14T22:22:56 I compressed one of the logfiles, so there are about 500 MB free again 2018-03-14T22:23:05 needless to say that this won't last for too long ;-) 2018-03-14T22:40:33 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin 2018-03-14T23:25:46 nice, let's encrypt offers wildcard certs now :-) 2018-03-14T23:51:49 *** Son_Goku has quit IRC 2018-03-14T23:51:54 *** cboltz has quit IRC 2018-03-14T23:57:31 *** Son_Goku has joined #opensuse-admin