2025-02-26T01:15:48 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2025-02-26T01:45:44 <matrix-o-o> <hendersj> acidsys: Strange. I wonder what the cause of that is. Of course, when I checked my sandbox system earlier today, it had started just fine. I hate problems like that - can't predict when it'll happen, makes it really hard to pin down. 2025-02-26T14:35:36 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2025-02-26T16:53:59 <warthog9> anyone happen to know what's going on with /opensuse/opensuse/ports/aarch64/tumbleweed/appliances directory of late, it's balooned to +5TB in size, and feels like something isn't culling old files there like it should be (ate up all the space on the fcix mirrors is how we noticed) 2025-02-26T21:27:12 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee