2024-04-25T00:01:52 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2024-04-25T01:41:46 I am getting "An Error Occurred" when trying to resolve https://paste.opensuse.org/ 2024-04-25T01:52:57 mdogg: Confirmed 2024-04-25T03:16:44 matrix.org users can join rooms on the opensuse.org homeserver just fine. 2024-04-25T03:17:34 it's entirely possible that perhaps some problematic homeservers are defederated, but matrix.org isn't one of them 2024-04-25T06:07:49 SFaulken: Theres only a very small set from my end, 5 of them infact (and theyre all impersonation or intent and execution of abuse) 2024-04-25T06:13:48 Looking at the m.room.server_acl state event in /devtools should give more than enough info based on the banned servers' names alone 2024-04-25T09:45:46 paste says "bundler.ruby3.1[5087]: /usr/lib64/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/definition.rb:432:in `validate_ruby!': Your Ruby version is 3.1.5, but your Gemfile specified 3.1.4 (Bundler::RubyVersionMismatch)" 2024-04-25T09:48:37 I try to write 3.1.5 into the Gemfile but then db:migrate:status brings some "nomethoderror" and a few dozen lines of vomit 2024-04-25T09:56:36 acidsys: Did you use RAILS_ENV=production environment variable? 2024-04-25T09:57:28 oh, I forgot! thanks 2024-04-25T09:57:50 we should probably have that set somewhere so we don't forget for rails apps 2024-04-25T09:59:25 well it is set in Salt so it'd be fine if one didn't need to hack on the machine :] 2024-04-25T10:00:09 https://github.com/openSUSE/paste-o-o/pull/161 2024-04-25T10:01:40 you sometimes need to do something in rails console or whatever, but yeah, I guess it's fine 2024-04-25T10:03:23 any chance to check my #151 ? I try to unify the redises 2024-04-25T10:04:42 thank! :3 2024-04-25T13:53:18 FYI seeing spam messages on the Factory ML.... 2024-04-25T13:57:43 I keep deactivating whoever I see spamming 2024-04-25T13:58:07 it's a bit of a wasted effort though, signing up to the idp is piss easy 2024-04-25T13:58:16 OK 2024-04-25T13:58:36 Thanks 2024-04-25T15:21:39 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2024-04-25T18:22:42 cannot figure out the jekyll bundler issue, maybe someone else has an idea https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/159627 2024-04-25T20:49:01 I tried a few things with jekyll and have good and bad news 2024-04-25T20:49:35 good: if I remove the "BUNDLED WITH" "2.4.6" lines from Gemfile.lock and delete the vendor directory, I can start jekyll again 2024-04-25T20:50:00 bad: it ends up with 2024-04-25T20:50:11 /home/web_jekyll/git/news.opensuse.org/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/jekyll-4.3.2/lib/jekyll/cleaner.rb:76:in `parent_dirs': stack level too deep (SystemStackError) 2024-04-25T20:50:33 which looks like an endless loop / recursive call 2024-04-25T20:54:22 (I reverted the manual Gemfile.lock change to avoid complaints from the next git pull) 2024-04-25T20:54:38 I'm afraid someone with better jekyll and ruby knownledge (hi LCP!) will have to check what's going on 2024-04-25T21:05:44 I have doubts I understand what's going on tbh 2024-04-25T21:06:23 it's a fun issue though for sure 2024-04-25T21:34:01 hmmm 2024-04-25T21:36:20 ok I fixed it 2024-04-25T21:36:53 something corrupted bundler installation, and idk what it was 2024-04-25T21:36:59 I just reinstalled it 2024-04-25T21:45:15 >:O