2024-02-05T06:50:11 acidsys: thanks i'm in 2024-02-05T12:12:13 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2024-02-05T15:16:20 *** SFaulken_ is now known as SFaulken 2024-02-05T18:22:33 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2024-02-05T20:37:49 any idea's what's going on with the cdn right now? 2024-02-05T20:38:12 bmwiedemann: ? ^^ 2024-02-05T20:39:49 seems to work again 2024-02-05T20:40:05 or not .. seems sporadic 2024-02-05T20:40:53 ah now I get the pattern. on https it returns 503, but on http it works 2024-02-05T20:43:12 It probably uses downloadcontent.o.o as upstream - does that work reliably with https? In the past we had some issue that the monitored page changed return code between 200 and 302 which made the health check fail 2024-02-05T20:44:23 we use https://downloadcontent.o.o as mirror on some servers in i.o.o with no issues .. 2024-02-05T20:45:05 though we would likely not notice with zypper a difference between 200 and 302 2024-02-05T20:48:48 bmwiedemann: seeing lots of reports on the forums/discord/etc 2024-02-05T20:50:37 (granted, a bunch of folks are trying to use repos they shouldn't, but that's a completely different issue)