2023-03-23T04:30:56 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2023-03-23T04:46:51 *** Bitten[m] is now known as Bitten2949[m] 2023-03-23T08:44:16 Hello Heroes, we still have some location unaccessible issues with download.opensuse.org on O3. Is there nothing what we can do about this? 2023-03-23T08:47:12 IIRC when I operated O3 in 2011, I had my own local rsync mirror to ensure reliability. 2023-03-23T08:49:39 But isn't it that users are also affected, if O3 is affected as well? If O3 would be the culprit that causes those load issues I would fully agree, but O3 here is only the messenger. 2023-03-23T08:49:59 yes. They are. 2023-03-23T08:50:09 I'm also willing to bring this up with our managers, if we need more/bigger hardware. I'm searching for a solution here 🙂 2023-03-23T08:50:44 Just saying, if this happens when there is a big TW rebuild, we have reasons to believe this won't be a one time issue and we should do something about it, no? 2023-03-23T08:52:52 Part of the trouble is that nobody feels responsible. I had already setup some things that helped reduce the impact, but it seems not enough. 2023-03-23T08:54:01 Much of the load comes from rsync traffic and we could have most people rsync from the copy on stage3.o.o 2023-03-23T08:54:48 Because download.opensuse.org is "just a mirror" of stage3.o.o? 2023-03-23T08:55:32 no. download.o.o = stage.o.o - and that is the central place from where 100 mirrors pull their repos. 2023-03-23T08:57:07 fwiw, I have just switched my mirror to stage3. a drop in the ocean. I second bmws opinion, the problem is that nobody feels responsible. 2023-03-23T08:58:32 There are some individuals like me, Andrii or per, but on the corporate level it is not recognized much. 2023-03-23T08:59:07 I used to look after it, but after the big re-engineering, i gave it up. 2023-03-23T10:13:42 I'm getting steady time-outs from stage3.o.o - my mirror is heavily loaded too, but I'm not even getting a drop from stage3.o.o 2023-03-23T10:14:40 with rsync rsync://stage3.opensuse.org/opensuse-full/ ? 2023-03-23T10:15:08 yeah, something like that. 2023-03-23T10:15:36 maybe some IPv6 routing issue? 2023-03-23T10:15:46 opensuse-full-really-everything, but with excludes 2023-03-23T10:15:59 or do you have MTU < 1500? 2023-03-23T10:16:22 nah, 1500 :-) 2023-03-23T10:16:33 I can ping it on ipv6 2023-03-23T10:17:32 and does rsync -4 rsync://stage3.opensuse.org/opensuse-full-really-everything/ work better? 2023-03-23T10:18:10 I haven't tried that yet - was going to be my next step. Anyway, gotta go, be back after lunch. 2023-03-23T10:18:33 Guten Appetit and ttyl 2023-03-23T11:08:21 if corporate would care we would use SLE CDN for openSUSE :] 2023-03-23T11:12:32 Hello team I do see a request to install copilot4prs in openSUSE on github 2023-03-23T11:13:19 If it's related to AI generated code, I'd like to ask you not to install it. https://opensource.suse.com/legal/policy as of this moment forbids usage of AI generated code for SUSE employees. 2023-03-23T11:13:46 We expect that this will change by end of the year, but specifically copilot is too risky at the moment. 2023-03-23T11:14:08 If it's not GitHub copilot related, then please ignore my message 2023-03-23T11:14:30 +1 but maybe send it to heroes@ as well as not everyone checks chat backlog 2023-03-23T11:15:08 though I'm not sure who all is gh org maintainer 2023-03-23T11:15:34 that request came from @HollowMan6 so maybe contact him directly? https://github.com/HollowMan6 points to hollowman@o.o 2023-03-23T11:35:24 we have had offers of trying out CDN - cdn77 I think was one. 2023-03-23T11:36:30 I found their cname under the cdn.o.o entry, but it did not resolve. 2023-03-23T11:37:01 right (but that cdn77 offer was several years ago) 2023-03-23T11:37:32 one trouble is that download.o.o is not designed for caching proxies atm, so you get into problems of consistency if repomd.xml does not match the repomd.xml.asc signature 2023-03-23T11:38:15 bmwiedemann[m]: I left a tcpump running on the ipv6 addr of stage3 - I see *some* traffic, but with loooooong breaks. (5minutes right now) 2023-03-23T11:39:11 not many are rsync'ing from there. Maybe you see the traffic where it pulls from stage? 2023-03-23T11:39:55 no, definitely opnly stage3 2023-03-23T11:40:35 weird with those long breaks, if its not busy. 2023-03-23T11:40:37 provo-mirror and opensuse-br-mirror pull from there regularly. 2023-03-23T11:41:49 There is also another IPv6 addr for some share of downloadcontent2. /var/log/nginx/access.log shows activity about it. 2023-03-23T11:42:36 hmm, I think maybe it has actually finished now. another sync is scheduled in 5mins 2023-03-23T11:43:17 did you rsync with -v or -P so you see progress during sync? 2023-03-23T11:43:59 when you start rsync, it might also hang a while, because it checks all file mtimes and sizes 2023-03-23T11:44:10 depending on your options 2023-03-23T11:44:50 for now, it just runs in the background. I'll disable that for the next run 2023-03-23T11:47:03 yes, at first it is getting the filelist, but that would show both network traffic and strace activity. 774176 files to consider. now apparently taking a break. 2023-03-23T11:47:16 or checking files 2023-03-23T11:47:40 can you tell me your full rsync line? 2023-03-23T11:48:48 yup. two secs 2023-03-23T11:49:54 rsync -av --progress --delay-updates --delete-delay --no-motd --exclude-from=../opensuse3.excludes stage3.opensuse.org::opensuse-full-really-everything/opensuse/ . 2023-03-23T11:50:41 looks just right. 2023-03-23T11:51:13 :-) 2023-03-23T11:51:45 hmm, it might even by my machine that is being slow. 2023-03-23T11:52:01 it is being hammered by clients from ch, es, it, fr 2023-03-23T12:00:04 I think I'll say it's my machine - loadavg 200/400/300 on a dual core :-) 2023-03-23T13:58:54 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2023-03-23T15:41:23 malcolmlewis: please do not set the priority of account change requests to "High". "High" for me means a service outage impacting several users. a single user wanting a cosmetic change is the lowest priority for me. 2023-03-23T15:42:45 acidsys, I assigned a person... why not? The user needs help... 2023-03-23T15:43:58 to me the priority needs to be defined according to the service, does it not? 2023-03-23T15:45:24 I take care of these requests voluntarily because I just so happen to have the access to do it. the priority should reflect the importance of the request, and a single change request is low priority in terms of service requests. the priority should be raised if there is a service outage. 2023-03-23T15:45:43 the users personal needs do not justify me rushing to my work machine :) 2023-03-23T15:46:07 I understand you want to get help to the person 2023-03-23T15:49:09 acidsys, if I set the category correct, you should not get it? 2023-03-23T15:49:27 I didn't set that 2023-03-23T15:50:16 acidsys, I have now 2023-03-23T15:55:25 I get all tickets assigned to me or groups I am in, category being correct is a nice bonus but doesn't change much (only some categories have a default assignee) 2023-03-23T15:56:15 thanks for adding it 2023-03-23T15:59:32 ok 2023-03-23T17:22:15 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2023-03-23T18:30:48 hello there, are you aware of the issues with download.opensuse.org? 2023-03-23T18:30:57 receiving HTTP 502 errors 2023-03-23T18:31:05 in general very slow 2023-03-23T18:31:32 yes. There is still heavy load from the last TW full rebuild. 2023-03-23T18:31:56 and our new mariadb VM was not up to the job 2023-03-23T18:33:48 im sorry, what is TW? I'm just a user trying to download some packages from download.opensuse.org through apt-get and receiving a lot of 502 :D 2023-03-23T18:34:07 TW=Tumbleweed 2023-03-23T18:34:43 oh, kernel problems. I guess, that means another 2m downtime of download.o.o 2023-03-23T18:36:06 any idea when things will go back to normal? its been 2 days now i think. 2023-03-23T18:36:31 maybe in 5m 2023-03-23T18:38:00 fingers crossed then :) 2023-03-23T18:39:18 try now 2023-03-23T18:40:16 wow, its a lot faster now I thought you were joking when you said in 5m 2023-03-23T18:41:10 will probably get slower again soon, once more users return. 2023-03-23T18:41:43 yep i just hit a 502 after 25 requests 2023-03-23T18:44:39 so is there a permanent fix planned? 2023-03-23T18:45:37 In June, there should be new faster hardware in the Prague DC to take over 2023-03-23T18:46:14 until then, I hope, the current spike will pass soon 2023-03-23T18:47:03 http://stage3.opensuse.org:17080/munin/opensuse.org/stage.opensuse.org/apache_accesses.html shows the impact of kernel crash 2023-03-23T20:03:29 speaking of prague dc 2023-03-23T20:04:11 any news there? 2023-03-23T20:05:01 openSUSE hardware mounted and labelled :) http://hugz.io/3m8dgbx/PRG2_oS_IMG_0550.jpg 2023-03-23T20:06:15 maybe I should have taken a picture from the back as well, it has these fancy PDU's 2023-03-23T20:08:27 hi there :) 2023-03-23T20:08:32 hi 2023-03-23T20:09:09 irssi, how do you pronounce this? 2023-03-23T20:09:47 ei arr ess ess aye 2023-03-23T20:11:18 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irssi says [ˈirsːi] 2023-03-23T23:23:09 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee