2023-03-14T08:44:48 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2023-03-14T10:33:38 *** MetalTux4983[m] is now known as Corrine4983[m] 2023-03-14T14:46:14 King_InuYasha: https://code.opensuse.org/package/libbinio does not show the commit I pushed. https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/e49ac0f1950b had an error from redis 2023-03-14T15:14:00 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2023-03-14T16:27:34 cboltz, hey, who looks after accounts/GDPR want to assign someone to a ticket.... 2023-03-14T16:28:50 if it's a request to change or fix something in the account, crameleon can probably help 2023-03-14T16:29:38 if it's a GDPR request, we typically close it as rejected with a note to ask privacy@suse.com 2023-03-14T16:30:04 cboltz, email change 2023-03-14T16:30:32 ok, then assign to crameleon 2023-03-14T16:30:48 cboltz, done, thanks :) 2023-03-14T16:31:14 email change is generally self-service 2023-03-14T17:59:49 *** Cypheriel1315[m] is now known as Cypheriel2225[m] 2023-03-14T20:05:42 *** AloneER0[m] is now known as AloneER09999[m] 2023-03-14T22:34:32 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee