2022-06-17T03:10:44 You cannot do that in plain HTML. Either needs server-side scripting or JavaScript 2022-06-17T03:11:02 or maybe set value="" for the all option 2022-06-17T03:11:44 nope. "" is not good enough. 2022-06-17T07:51:57 bmwiedemann[m]: that's what I feared, thanks for confirming :-( 2022-06-17T11:50:10 Is there any status update for the discord bridge, which is in maintenance? 2022-06-17T11:52:02 *** singletonw[m]1 is now known as zoey[m] 2022-06-17T12:25:45 not really 2022-06-17T13:11:35 *** teepee_ is now known as teepee 2022-06-17T13:27:29 SasiOlin[m], will the discourse instance theme also include the drop down (four squares in a square) link to other openSUSE areas? 2022-06-17T15:27:02 SasiOlin[m], one other question, do current openSUSE Users have an openid by default, or is this something they will need to create? 2022-06-17T16:17:42 malcolmlewis: many people will already have one, yes. Not necessarily everyone. 2022-06-17T16:19:33 it's the exact same login system as the existing forums 2022-06-17T16:35:09 cool 2022-06-17T18:40:39 bmwiedemann: I did an update to the openSUSE theme for ipsilon, I could help you with debugging why it doesn't work on id.o.o https://pagure.io/ipsilon/pull-request/374 2022-06-17T18:41:40 I think the /admin section was troublesome last time. Did you try that part? 2022-06-17T18:43:23 admin part shouldn't be themed, it should be using the non themed version of the ui 2022-06-17T18:44:51 yeah, admin uses master-admin template, while the rest of the site uses master template 2022-06-17T18:44:59 basically avoiding theming the admin parts 2022-06-17T18:46:13 I'll have to bringup a test instance to play with theming. 2022-06-17T18:46:19 sure 2022-06-17T18:46:30 but I'm on vacation for the next 2 weeks 2022-06-17T18:46:59 ah, have nice time off! 2022-06-17T21:40:31 SasiOlin[m], ohh it appeared, thank you. I guess the 'Forum' one would need updating soon ;) 2022-06-17T22:05:46 SasiOlin[m], hmm spoke too soon, it's there and not there... 2022-06-17T22:23:51 what do you mean? 2022-06-17T22:44:41 SasiOlin[m], this was here for a little bit, now gone https://susepaste.org/13585743 2022-06-17T22:49:06 ah yeah, I meant to remove that because as far as I can tell it breaks some other stuff 2022-06-17T22:49:23 but also it will disappear sometimes because the code for it isn't that great 2022-06-17T22:49:47 SasiOlin[m], yes I saw it had some issues 2022-06-17T22:50:19 SasiOlin[m], can it be fixewd so it works, it's a great feature 2022-06-17T22:51:01 eh, you could try contacting guo yunhe who developed that originally, he's much more likely to be able to properly implement it 2022-06-17T22:51:09 I tried, and failed :P 2022-06-17T22:51:58 SasiOlin[m], ok, were to find contact details? 2022-06-17T22:52:14 and what is it called? 2022-06-17T23:09:34 megamenu 2022-06-17T23:10:03 and https://github.com/guoyunhe 2022-06-17T23:33:03 SasiOlin[m], kewl, thanks