2022-01-03T09:26:09 pjessen: starting from https://mirrorcache-eu.opensuse.org/update/leap/15.3/oss/repodata/repomd.xml.mirrorlist I have found 9 mirrors that have an older repo version (2021-12-12 or older) - what to do about these? should we contact the admins? How? 2022-01-03T09:26:29 82 mirrors are current, though. 2022-01-03T09:27:52 bmwiedemann: I usually open a ticket and then contact the admin - 2022-01-03T09:28:09 the mb database has the admin address 2022-01-03T09:29:00 the ticket is useful for tracking, many admins can be very slow in responding 2022-01-03T09:29:01 for tumbleweed, 47 are current, 9 are 1 version behind and 12 mirrors are behind more. 2022-01-03T09:29:25 bmwiedemann: this is what I noticed before Christmas when I opened the ticket about load on pontifex. 2022-01-03T09:29:45 well, I think it is the same 2022-01-03T09:29:45 1 ticket per mirror? 2022-01-03T09:29:53 bmwiedemann: yeah, that is best 2022-01-03T09:55:17 bmwiedemann: is anything wrong with ftp1.nluug.nl ? 2022-01-03T10:34:23 pjessen: at least it is not in my outdated repos list and an earlier benchmark showed it to return 10MB in 4s - not the fastest, but not super-slow either. 2022-01-03T15:39:46 pjessen: I skipped the progress.o.o for now and sent a notification mail to 7 mirror admins (and pinged Lars directly) 2022-01-03T15:40:36 Do you know the status of the estointernet.in one? It does not respond now, but it did this morning when I got a 2 year old Tumbleweed version from it. 2022-01-03T15:44:09 bmwiedemann: okay, no, I don't know about estointernet.in - will be interesting to see what they say. 2022-01-03T15:55:00 bmwiedemann: estointernet is for india only, if you want to check it, it has to be from pontifex or olav 2022-01-03T15:56:56 olaf 2022-01-03T15:57:44 pjessen: does not work from pontifex either. And it worked from my home network earlier. Now sent 8th mail. There are still 3 outdated mirrors without contact in mirrorbrain 2022-01-03T15:58:00 e.g. uni-leipzig.de 2022-01-03T16:13:01 yeah, those are typically mirrors that ppoeml found and added without knowing anything about them. 2022-01-03T16:28:41 9th mail to servicedesk@uni-leipzig