2021-06-18T09:26:51 pjessen: /distribution/leap/15.3/iso/ differs quite much between /srv/ftp-stage/pub/ and /srv/ftp/pub/ so all links are broken at https://get.opensuse.org/leap/#download 2021-06-18T09:27:01 do you know how to fix it? 2021-06-18T09:29:36 the same for /distribution/leap/15.3/appliances/iso/ 2021-06-18T09:30:26 or just rescan would help? 2021-06-18T09:43:53 ah or should I just copy files from stage to ftp? 2021-06-18T13:09:42 anikitin: afair, file between ftp-stage and ftp are hard-linked. there is an open issue, but I really don't know how it is supposed to work 2021-06-18T13:18:34 there is a script on pontifex: /home/mirror/bin/publish_opensuse 2021-06-18T13:18:58 hmm, nah, not the one 2021-06-18T13:20:22 yeah I kind of know about scripts. I got better understanding how it should work, will try to look if it got stuck somewhere 2021-06-18T13:20:37 matrix databases should be good in mirrordb2 2021-06-18T13:20:49 maybe /home/mirror/bin/distro_hardlink_copy ? 2021-06-18T13:21:02 I'v reimported all and had to fight some duplicate occurences 2021-06-18T13:21:19 leftovers from pg13 ? 2021-06-18T13:23:17 I messed backup of matrix when was moving everything from mirrordb1, had to redo only matrix databases 2021-06-18T13:23:35 yes from pg13 to pg12 2021-06-18T13:23:54 wrt ftp-stage - I think it used to work like this - a new release is prepared in ftp-stage, when the release-time comes, we create the hardlinks from ftp-stage to ftp. 2021-06-18T13:24:29 I've just never done it, I don't know who did 2021-06-18T13:42:18 it seems matrix can't connect to anna for pg, it gets login error 2021-06-18T13:42:51 https://paste.opensuse.org/87598476 2021-06-18T13:43:15 maybe the permissions are wrong or something? 2021-06-18T13:49:14 hm so it probably relies on pgbouncer and it wasn't configured pg12 yet... 2021-06-18T13:49:35 can you use mirrordb2 directly ? 2021-06-18T13:50:36 sure 2021-06-18T13:51:37 though, I would need to adjust pg_hba to work with that vm 2021-06-18T13:58:07 https://paste.opensuse.org/73212377 2021-06-18T13:58:12 aha 2021-06-18T14:00:24 hm, yeah so before everyone could connect trough anna, but it doesn't have any address in [databases] in /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini 2021-06-18T14:00:36 maybe adding mirrordb2 there would help